Desire 2 Download is a tool to download all of the content from the University of Waterloo's new learning management system which uses Desire2Learn instead of the old Angel based UWACE.
d2d was inspired by Jamie Wong's fabulous UWAngel-CLI written in Ruby.
d2d is somewhat hacky and has not been tested extensively. If you do find a bug, please let us know
pip install desire2download
unzip master && cd desire2download-master
python install
Parameters | Description |
u or username | Your quest userid |
p or password | Your quest password |
i or ignore | Ignore certain files |
c or courses | Ignore certain courses |
o or overwrite | Overwrite existing files |
Just browse to the folder you want to download the files in, type d2d
and hit enter!
Basic Usage
ktalwar@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ d2d
Username filled out
$ d2d -u ktalwar
Username and password filled out
$ d2d -u ktalwar -p icanhazcatz
Ignore certain files
$ d2d -i ".*.ppt"
Ignore certain courses
Ignores anything starting with M
$ d2d -c "M+"
Ignores anything starting with M
or P
$ d2d -c "^[MP]+"
Ignores anything containing 22
d2d -c ".+(22).+"
Full complex example
d2d -u scholida -p hecanhazcatz -i ".*.ppt" -c "CS+"
Logging In...
Logged In
Finding courses...
ECE 224 - Fall 2011
+ ECE 224 - Fall 2011/Labs/Lab Tools Tutorial.html (1.70K)
+ ECE 224 - Fall 2011/Labs/Lab 1/lab1_checklist-s2010.pdf (107.65K)
d2d will not download a file if it has been already saved unless the overwrite option is used..
If you use the script in a cron job, be nice to Learn and don't re-download all the time. Perhaps run without overwrite every hour but with overwrite once a day.
See LICENSE for details.