Download necessary files (seed data, example config and example study from datahub):
Start docker containers. This can take a few minutes the first time because the database needs to import some data.
docker-compose up
In a different terminal import a study
docker-compose run cbioportal -u http://cbioportal:8080 -s study/lgg_ucsf_2014/ -o
Restart the cbioportal container after importing:
docker-compose restart cbioportal
The compose file uses docker volumes which persist data between reboots. To completely remove all data run:
docker-compose down -v
To enable hg38 support. First delete any existing databases and containers:
docker-compose -v
Then run
Followed by:
docker-compose up
When loading hg38 data make sure to set reference_genome_id: hg38
in meta_study.txt. The example study in study/
is hg19
docker-compose run cbioportal_database \
sh -c 'mysql -hcbioportal_database -u"$MYSQL_USER" -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" "$MYSQL_DATABASE"'
A different version of cBioPortal can be run using docker-compose by declaring the DOCKER_IMAGE_CBIOPORTAL
environmental variable. This variable can point a DockerHub image like so:
export DOCKER_IMAGE_CBIOPORTAL=cbioportal/cbioportal:3.1.0
docker-compose up
which will start the v3.1.0 portal version rather than the newer default version.