What's New
Unified Application Rollout
As a modern cloud-native application platform, facilitating application deployment models is a highly demanded feature. In this release, kurator supported Canary deployment, A/B Testing and Blue/Green Deployment across clusters within a fleet. This is significant for users to manage their application rolling out policy in a single entrypoint.
Move here to take a look at proposal.
And to get a quick start on kurator unified application rollout, please transite to our official user guide.
CI/CD Pipeline
The current landscape of CI/CD in cloud-native development often presents a steep learning curve due to the complexity of tools like Tekton. Users must have in-depth knowledge of various configurations and components to set up a functional pipeline.
In this release, we implemented super simplified CI/CD pipeline management aimed at providing a user-friendly interface, thereby accelerating application development and deployment workflows in cloud-native projects.
To get a good understanding of this feature, please move here to take a look at the proposal.
And if you want to quickly setup your own CI/CD pipeline, please view our official doc to get a detailed guidance.
What's Changed
- add example of storage-doc by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #421
- workflows: add release image workflows by @Xieql in #425
- bump version to 1.0-dev by @hzxuzhonghu in #427
- bugfix: make sure ns exsit when create velero secret by @Xieql in #426
- doc: update kubectl command mistake by @Xieql in #430
- workflows: remove 'v' prefix from tag in release image script by @Xieql in #433
- doc: fix migrate page weight by @Xieql in #437
- Add fossa github action by @hzxuzhonghu in #441
- Update fossa.yaml by @hzxuzhonghu in #443
- add api push key dual to github constraints by @hzxuzhonghu in #445
- add security team by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #438
- site: add community page with existing config by @Xieql in #447
- Added provision for joining the security team by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #449
- site: add search function by @Xieql in #446
- site: add feedback in each doc page by @Xieql in #450
- add security readme by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #453
- site:fix mail naming mistake by @Xieql in #455
- site: add blog page by @Xieql in #454
- fix REMADE.md link broken by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #461
- add security policy of Kurator by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #459
- Security Release Process by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #458
- update kubernetes version of rook by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #466
- Replaced go-scp package by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #464
- doc: add 0.2.0 release blog to site by @Xieql in #462
- doc: add 0.4 release blog to site by @Xieql in #471
- doc: add 0.5.0 release blog to site by @Xieql in #472
- doc: add 0.3.0 release blog to site by @Xieql in #470
- doc: add kurator or kubespray blog to site by @Xieql in #473
- doc: remove unused file in cluster operator doc by @Xieql in #474
- delete github.com/mitchellh/cli in pkg/generic by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #469
- change storage api to avoid relying on rook by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #480
- rename fleetCluster to FleetCluster to make it public by @Xieql in #485
- Adding Security Policies to the Repository by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #488
- Bump k8s dependency to 1.27.8 by @hzxuzhonghu in #486
- Removed useless packages from go.mod. by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #483
- License lint by @hzxuzhonghu in #490
- rename FleetCluster to KubeConfigSecretRef by @Xieql in #484
- Fixed function name error by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #495
- proposal: pipeline by @Xieql in #476
- refactor: make buildFleetClusters public by @Xieql in #492
- pipeline: add renderRBAC func by @Xieql in #494
- doc: add backup api reference by @Xieql in #502
- add a community membership guidelines by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #500
- proposal:rollout design by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #489
- add crd:allowDangerousTypes=true in update-crdgen.sh by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #507
- refactor: add getruntimeclient func by @Xieql in #504
- pipeline: Init pipeline api by @Xieql in #478
- complete rollout api by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #505
- ci: make gen-code work properly by @zirain in #509
- Modify description details of rollout proposal by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #508
- refactor fleet-manager folder by @Xieql in #503
- update readme for fix markdown lint by @Xieql in #512
- init fleet api to install flagger and testloader by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #519
- Make some fleet manager private functions public. by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #524
- kurator cli: update install cli doc by @Xieql in #525
- add rollout status in app api by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #520
- init fleet plugin install flagger and public testloader by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #523
- add tekton scheme to runtimeclient by @Xieql in #527
- Change
in ApplicationSyncStatus toRolloutStatus
by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #530 - update fleet-manager rbac.yaml by @Xieql in #531
- site: make doc menu more compact by @Xieql in #448
- add flaggerapi and appsv1 to ctrlRuntimeClient scheme by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #532
- add membership request issue template by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #501
- pipeline api: add volumClaimTemplate by @Xieql in #513
- pipeline: update pipeline proposal cli design by @Xieql in #533
- pipeline: complete pipeline list cli by @Xieql in #534
- pipeline: update render rbac and remove manifest file by @Xieql in #511
- pipeline: add api describtion about new predefined task by @Xieql in #539
- pipeline: complete pipeline logs cli by @Xieql in #537
- pipeline: add render custom task func by @Xieql in #541
- change the RolloutTimeoutSeconds to be of type *int32 by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #551
- complete rollout policy controller render by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #529
- pipeline: add render trigger func by @Xieql in #547
- pipeline: add render predefined task func by @Xieql in #545
- pipeline: update the api field json by @Xieql in #552
- pipeline: add render pipeline func by @Xieql in #548
- fix bug where function
only install in the control plant by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #555 - doc: add practical operation guild for pipeline by @Xieql in #554
- add a distributors application issue template by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #497
- doc: add pipeline api reference by @Xieql in #540
- doc: add doc of setting up your pipeline by @Xieql in #550
- pipeline: fix render rbac for chain secret by @Xieql in #553
- add handling for getting rollout status by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #556
- doc: add pipeline overview by @Xieql in #543
- adds the ability to delete resources created by a Rollout. by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #557
- doc: add cleanup part in pipeline operation by @Xieql in #558
- fix incorrect expression of rolloutStatus by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #562
- Rollout plugin doc by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #549
- add rollout documentation overview by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #538
- doc: fix pipeline doc mistake by @Xieql in #563
- add canary deployment doc by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #560
- doc: fix pipeline operation cli mistake by @Xieql in #566
- add A/B Testing doc by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #564
- add blue/green deployment doc by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #565
- pipeline: init pipeline controller by @Xieql in #559
- [release-0.6] fix remove ‘v' in image version error by @kurator-bot in #573
- [release-0.6] add Licences restrictions in CONTRIBUTING.md by @kurator-bot in #574
- [release-0.6] add remove application finalizer by @kurator-bot in #576
- [release-0.6] update doc version to 0.6.0 by @kurator-bot in #578
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0