Sushi Browser v0.26.1 Akamutsu(Rosy seabass)
New Features
- Released MacOS version.
- Updated Custom Chromium to 76.0.3809.132.
- Electron updated to v6.0.6.
- Youtube-dl updated to 2019.09.01.
- Many other bug fixes.
- Windows Installer v0.26.1 (106.4MB)
- Windows Portable v0.26.1 with Chromium (160.6MB)
- Windows Portable v0.26.1 (105.9MB)
- Windows Installer 32bit v0.26.1 (99.8MB)
- Windows Portable 32bit v0.26.1 (99.2MB)
- MacOS dmg v0.26.1 (213.3MB)
- MacOS Portable v0.26.1 (213.5MB)
- Linux rpm (for Fedora/CentOS) v0.26.1 (153MB)
- Linux deb (for Debian/Ubuntu) v0.26.1 (137.2MB)
- Linux Portable v0.26.1 (134.8MB)