Recency, Frequency, Monetary Model with Python
How to Use RFM Segmentation For Customer Lifecycle Marketing
The Datasaurus Dozen - why not only statistic description
日薪 2 萬背後的美麗與哀愁:我在倫敦擔任「合約制」商業分析師(上)
Exploit the Product Life Cycle
Break Free from the Product Life Cycle
Evolution of a Product
Innovation Equity by Elie Ofek
Pipelines, Platforms, and the New Rules of Strategy
The Lean Product Playbook with Dan Olsen in Silicon Valley
The Road to a $100M Company Doesn’t Start with Product
Airbnb's Brian Chesky: If 100 People Love Your Product, That's Enough
Five Selling Secrets of Today’s Digital B2B Leaders
Grow fast or die slow: Pivoting beyond the core
How a Data Organization Evolves The Four Stages of Using Data to Manage your Startup How Airbnb Does Data Science by Jeff Feng Building an effective analytics organization Netflix: A confluence of metrics, algorithms, and experimentation | Caitlin Smallwood | WiDS 2015
Making data analytics work for you—instead of the other way around Achieving business impact with data
The Discipline of Business Experimentation Building a Culture of Experimentation 4 Principles for Making Experimentation Count
Uber 的 Surge Pricing Machine Learning-Powered Search Ranking of Airbnb Experiences For Your Ears Only: Personalizing Spotify Home with Machine Learning Would You Like Fries With That? McDonald’s Already Knows the Answer
你的行銷漏斗(Marketing Funnel)做對了嗎?
A Beginner’s Guide to Cohort Analysis: the Most Actionable (and Underrated) Report on Google Analytic
User segmentation: A guide to understanding your customers
Everything A/B Testing
Getting Started with Analytics on iOS #1: Events (Firecasts)
Getting Started with Analytics on iOS #2: User Properties (Firecasts)
Democratizing Metric Definition and Discovery at Airbnb
Global metrics, Local metrics
Analyzing Metric Changes