- Ways to Detect and Remove the Outliers
- How to Use Statistics to Identify Outliers in Data
- ECDF in python without step function?
- ECDF wiki
- python-base-datetime
- encoding-cyclical-features-for-deep-learning
- encoding-cyclical-features-24hour-time
- feature-engineering-cyclical-features
- CTR预估[十一]: Algorithm-GBDT Encoder
- Feature transformations with ensembles of trees
- 三分鐘了解推薦系統中的分解機方法(Factorization Machine, FM)
- 機器學習的機器是怎麼從資料中「學」到東西的?超簡單機器學習名詞入門篇!
- Stanford 李飛飛教授 TED Talk - 如何教懂電腦看圖像
- ML Lecture 0-1: Introduction of Machine Learning
- 什么是稀疏特征(Sparse Features)?
- What is Multicollinearity? Extensive video + simulation!
- Regularized Regression | 正規化迴歸
- 讀者提問:多元迴歸分析的變數選擇
- Linear least squares, Lasso,ridge regression有何本质区别?
- Lecture 1.3 — Introduction Unsupervised Learning — Machine Learning | Andrew Ng
- 機器學習: 非監督式學習 (Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning)
- Dimentional Reduction 影片來源 Andrew Ng
- Principal Components Regression
- Further Principal Components
- Unsupervised learning
- ML Lecture 15: Unsupervised Learning - Neighbor Embedding includes t-SNE
- Visualizing Data Using t-SNE