Introduction Leader Line follower is bot where leader bot follows a line and follower bot follows the leader. Component Used for leader bot:
- Tiva tm4c123gh6pm Microcontroller
- ESP 8266
- 5 Array IR sensor
- Power Supply
The same components excluding IR sensor is used for follower.
Methodology Leader Bot Tasks
- Configuration of sensors
- Reading IR sensor values : Here IR sensors is programmed using interrupts and return 1 whether it detects black line or not.
- Transmitting using UART : Ones IR sensor values are read it sent using uart to esp8266.
- Esp8266 sends this command using wifi to the other esp8266 present on follower bot.
- Line following based on ir sensor values
Follower Bot Tasks
- 1.Configuration of sensors
- Receiving Data: The data sent by leader esp is received here.
- Esp8266 send the receiving data command using uart to the tiva present on follower bot.
- Following based on ir sensor values
Pin Configuration:
Motor Motor1 : PB7 , PB6 Motor2 : PE4 , PE5
Transmission Rx : PD6 Tx : PD7
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