Welcome! This is the my backyard of chaos and creation!
- 🔭 I’m currently working on LLM & RAG!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning on LLM & RAG!!
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on LLM & RAG!!!
- 💬 Ask me about LLM & RAG!!!!
LLM & RAG RULES!!!!!💪💪💪😤
Currently, I write on https://zenn.dev/kun432.
- 2024-11-30: LoRAアダプターのホットスワッピングを使ったColQwen2単体でのRAGを試す
- 2024-11-28: 「Qwen/QwQ-32B-Preview」を試す
- 2024-11-27: Claude.aiの「Choose style」を試す
- 2024-11-27: [論文] RuleRAG: Rule-guided retrieval-augmented generation with language models for question answering
- 2024-11-27: 日本語に特化したOCR・文書画像解析ライブラリ「YomiToku」を試す
- 2024-11-26: MultipassでKubernetesクラスタを動かす
- 2024-11-25: AWS製のマルチエージェントフレームワーク「Multi-Agent Orchestrator」を試す
- 2024-11-24: 「HtmlRAG」を試す
- 2024-11-24: 簡単に使える日本語TTS「AivisSpeech」を試す
- 2024-11-24: マルチリンガル・マルチモーダルなEmbeddingモデル「Jina-CLIP-v2」を試す
Also, my old blog is https://kun432.hatenablog.com.
- Freelance Engineer (2023/04 - Now)
- Infrastructure Engineer & Team Manager (2019/06 - 2023/03)
- Infrastructure Design/Build/Administration for Marketing Platform
- Infrastruture Team Manager
- Development/Infrastructure Team Leader (2015/04 - 2019/05)
- Team leader of Development/Infrastructure/Operation for WiFi Hotspot service
- Infrastructure Engineer (2008/04 - 2015/03)
- Infrastruture Design/Build/Administration for ISP
- Infrastructure Engineer (2007/10 - 2008/03)
- Infrastruture Design/Build/Administration for ISP and SNS
- Infrastructure Engineer (2004/06 - 2007/06)
- Infrastruture Design/Build/Administration for ISP
- Developer & Support Engineer (2003/5 - 2004/4)
- Develop/Support Engineer for Web-based Linux server administration app
- Support Engineer (2001/7 - 2003/3)
- Support Engineer for a catalog creation System at a printing company