This project shows how to implement GraphQL service API by Golang
- API server:
- Graph:
- Database: GORM, Migration
- Dependent Injection: Wire
First of all you need setup Mysql in your local environment.
export MIGRATION_DIR=your_SQL_scriptions
export DATABASE_URL=your_mysql_URI
make migrate
Default directory is graph
make gqlgen
make di
# cd to you project folder
go run ./apps/server
After run abover command your service will be started on default port 8080. You can use POSTMAN or another Graphql request tool to try example API
curl --location 'localhost:8080/v1/mutation' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"query":"mutation {\n createProduct(\n input:{\n name: \"Iphone 14 pro max\",\n sku: \"4234265565\",\n properties: {\n price: 999999999,\n color: \"PINK\",\n size:\"6.5'\''0\"\n}\n}){\n id,\n name,\n sku,\n properties {\n price,\n color,\n size\n}\n}\n}","variables":{}}'
curl --location 'localhost:8080/v1/query' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"query":"query {\n filter(page:1, limit:1){\n id,\n name,\n sku,\n properties{\n price,\n color,\n size\n}\n}\n}","variables":{}}'
If you have been not aware about GraphQL API yet, you can learn here Or find a tutorial suitable with your programing language [here] (