This SDK provides access to KULAP DEX from a custom application where the best rate will be given to you and your user on each trade using ERC-20 tokens.
Install the SDK using npm or yarn
yarn add kulap-sdk
You will need to the provider object to the constructor which will allows the SDK to automatically handle query and retrieve requests from blockchains the user is connected to. Also the access token doesn't required at the moment.
const { Kulap } = require("kulap-sdk")
const Web3 = require('web3')
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(""))
const kulapSDK = new Kulap('access_key',web3.currentProvider) // getting access key from the console
import { Kulap } from "kulap-sdk"
const kulapSDK = new Kulap('access_key', window.ethereum) // getting access key from the console
Example: Swap 100 DAI to LINK
const srcToken = "DAI"
const destToken = "LINK"
const amountIn = "100" // 100 DAI
const response = await kulapSDK.getRate(srcToken, destToken, amountIn) // Get best rate from off-chain API
const isApproved = await kulapSDK.validate(response) // Check allowance of DAI token to Kulap DEX smart contract is made
if (!isApproved) {
await kulapSDK.approve(response) // Giving a permission to Kulap DEX smart contract, the rights to transfer DAI
await // Execute trade
We've build the demo dapp that allows you to quickly look up quickly look up how first sample application is made.
Source code :
const symbols = kulapSDK.listSymbols()
const networkId = await kulapSDK.getNetworkId()
This will help construct the order details from the pair and given amount that later you use it for validate, approve and execute a trade.
const srcToken = "ETH"
const destToken = "DAI"
const amountIn = "1" // 1 ETH
const order = await kulapSDK.getRate(srcToken, destToken, amountIn)
Value | Description |
rate | Best rate given from off-chain API |
routes | Trading proxy containing the best rate |
fromAmount | Source ERC20 token amount in Wei |
fromSymbol | Source token symbol |
toAmount | Destination ERC20 token amount in Wei |
toSymbol | Destination token symbol |
gasOptions | GAS price options (SLOW, STD, FAST) |
const isValidated = await kulapSDK.validate(response) // given response when get the rate
const fromSymbol = "DAI"
const fromAmount = "100" // 100 DAI
const isValidated = await kulapSDK.validate({ fromSymbol, fromAmount })
await kulapSDK.approve(order) // given response when get the rate
await kulapSDK.approve(order, { gasOptions : "FAST" }) // "FAST", "STD", "SLOW" (default : "FAST")
const fromSymbol = "LINK"
await kulapSDK.approve({ fromSymbol }, { gasOptions : "SLOW" })
We would recommend to set the slippage rate to prevent surge, for example the default value is 0, if the price is change more than the given price from order details, the transaction will failed.
await , { gasOptions : "FAST", slippage : 3 }) // slippage must be provided in percentage
If you registered as partner and want the commision to be paid out on transactions, kindly provide your partner id as following:
await, { partnerId : YOUR_ID })
To run the tests, follow these steps.
First clone the repository to your local machine and then install dependencies
yarn install
You will need to run forked mainnet of Ganache by
yarn run-ganache
Open another terminal and run tests
yarn test
This will execute the simulated trade of ETH to DAI and DAI to LINK on the local ganache server instead of running it on mainnet.