NGINX Ingress Controller - v1.0.2
1865 commits
to main
since this release
Ingress NGINX v1.0.2 is HERE! Special thanks for @tao12345666333 and @doujiang24 for helping us with coredump issue! You are true heroes! We expect this release solves the problem for all users.
This is a breaking change between previous v0.X branch
This release only supports Kubernetes versions >= v1.19. The support for Ingress Object in is being dropped and manifests should now use
Please take a look into Migration docs:
Known Issues
- Ingress controller now (starting from v1.0.0) mandates cluster scoped access to IngressClass. This leads to problems when updating old Ingress controller to newest version, as described here. We plan to fix it in v1.0.3, see this.