NGINX Ingress Controller - v1.0.1
1877 commits
to main
since this release
Ingress NGINX v1.0.1 is HERE! With a lot of bugfixes from v1.0.0 (thanks for your patience!)
Please take a look into Migration docs:
This is a breaking change between previous v0.X branch
This release only supports Kubernetes versions >= v1.19. The support for Ingress Object in is being dropped and manifests should now use
Known Issues
- Ingress controller now (starting from v1.0.0) mandates cluster scoped access to IngressClass. This leads to problems when updating old Ingress controller to newest version, as described here. We plan to fix it in v1.0.2, see this.
New Features:
- #7670 Change enable-snippet to allow-snippet-annotation (#7670)
- #7672 add option for documentiony only to pr template (#7672)
- #7668 added example multiple controller install to faq (#7668)
- #7665 Add option to force enabling snippet directives (#7665)
- #7659 Replace kube-lego docs with cert-manager (#7659)
- #7656 Update references to (#7656)
- #7603 additional info for the custom-headers documentation page (#7603)
- #7630 images/kube-webhook-certgen/rootfs: improvements (#7630)
- #7636 Add github action for building images (#7636)
- #7648 Update e2e-test-runner image (#7648)
- #7643 Update NGINX base image to v1.19 (#7643)
- #7642 Add security contacts (#7642)
- #7640 fix typos. (#7640)
- #7639 Downgrade nginx to v1.19 (#7639)
- #7575 Add e2e tests for secure cookie annotations (#7575) (#7619)
- #7625 Only build nginx-errors for linux/amd64 (#7625)
- #7609 Add new flag to watch ingressclass by name instead of spec (#7609)
- #7604 Change the cloudbuild timeout (#7604)
- #7460 Fix old tag of custom error pages used in example (#7460)
- #7577 Added command to get Nginx versionq! (#7577)
- #7611 Helm notes outputs non nil value for ingress.class annotation (#7611)
- #7469 Allow the usage of Services as Upstream on a global level (#7469)
- #7393 getEndpoints uses service target port directly if it's a number and mismatch with port name in endpoint (#7393)
- #7514 nginx flag: --disable-full-test flag to allow testing configfile of the current single ingress (#7514)
- #7374 Trigger syncIngress on Service addition/deletion #7346 (#7374)
- #7464 Sync Hostname and IP address from service to ingress status (#7464)
- #7560 put modsecurity e2e tests into their own packages (#7560)
- #7202 Additional AuthTLS assertions and doc change to demonstrate auth-tls-secret enables the other AuthTLS annotations (#7202)
- #7606 fix cli flag typo in faq (#7606)
- #7601 fix charts to give additional detail on prometheus metrics … (#7601)
- #7596 Update e2e test runner image (#7596)
- #7604 Update cloudbuild timeout (#7604)
- #7440 remove timestamp when requeuing Element (#7440)
- #7598 fix 7591 (#7598)
- #7597 Update to the base nginx image (#7597)
- #7540 improve faq for migration to ingress api v1 (#7540)
- #7594 Remove addgroup directive from alpine building (#7594)
- #7592 Change builder in a new attempt to make it run (#7592)
- #7584 Changing gcb builder (#7584)
- #7583 update alpine and remove buildx restriction (#7583)
- #7561 Add doc ref for preserve-trailing-slash annotation (#7561)
- #7581 Default KinD manifest to watch ingresses without class (#7581)
- #7511 add same tcp and udp ports to internal load balancer (#7511)
- #7399 feat: add session-cookie-secure annotation (#7399)
- #7556 Fix YAML indentation issue (#7556)
- #7558 Revert "Update base nginx" (#7558)
- #7552 Update base nginx (#7552)
- #7541 Add a flag to specify address to bind the healthz server (#7541)
- #7503 Document the keep-alive 0 effect on http/2 requests (#7503)
- #7264 Update docs for new ingress api in cluster version >=1.19 (#7264)
- #7545 Improving e2e tests for non-service backends #7544 (#7545)
- #7537 improve docs for release - added step to edit README for support matrix (#7537)
- #7536 add known issues in for release v1.0.0 (#7536)