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K8s-Testgrid JSON Exporter

This project is a work in progress and not ready for production usage.

In short the project should show on a one page dashboard the current state of testgrid that is relevant to cut the release (master-blocking, master-informing, 1.XX-blocking, 1.XX-informing). In addition to monitoring testgrid from a higher-level perspective, this platform should also be used to send scheduled reports, alerts, and perhaps more in the future.

The diagram below shows the architecture of the project. Overview


As shown in the architecture diagram, the application is build with containers. The application can be run using podman / docker or 'manually' with the helm charts out of the box on a kubernetes cluster.

Run it with Podman / Docker locally

To test the application you can use a container which gets setup using the Containerfile. To use the container image use docker or podman.

  1. Build testgrid container testgrid-exporter
  2. Check build container images
  3. Run testgrid container
  4. Pull prometheus container (prom/prometheus)
  5. Run prometheus container with custom config
  6. Check if prometheus uses the custom testgrid-exporter
# 1. Build the container image
$ podman build -t testgrid-exporter .

# 2. Check the created container images
$ podman images
REPOSITORY                   TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED         SIZE
localhost/testgrid-exporter  latest      07ea6fda0170  11 minutes ago  137 MB     3.9.7-slim  ccd065bd50c5  3 months ago    127 MB

# 3. Run the container image and open a bash shell to interact with the running container
$ podman run -dt -p $(podman images testgrid-exporter --quiet)

# Now the testgrid json exporter runs and acts as sink for prometheus

# 4. Pull prometheus container image
$ podman pull
Trying to pull

# 5. Start prometheus container with custom config
$ podman run -dt -p 9090:9090/tcp --network=host --mount type=bind,src=test/docker/prometheus.yml,target=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml $(podman images prom/prometheus --quiet)

# 6. Now prometheus is up and running and automatically fetches the custom testgrid-exporter

Check prometheus on localhost:9090

Check if targets are up Targets

Run a query Query


Run it with Kubernetes

This project provides a helm chart to ease the K8s deployment.

The container images needs to be pushed to a container registry. Images are publicly pushed to as an interim solution. The helm chart refers use the container image from in deploy/values.yaml.

To use your own container registry, push the container image testgrid-exporter.

# Login to the container registry
$ podman login --verbose

# Build the container image if not done so already
$ podman build -t testgrid-exporter .

# Run the contaimer image if not done so already
$ podman run -dt -p $(podman images testgrid-exporter --quiet)

# Tag the container image to the known image name
$ podman commit $(podman ps -lq)<username>/testgrid-exporter:<version>
Getting image source signatures
Storing signatures

# Push the container image
$ podman push<username>/testgrid-exporter:<version>
Getting image source signatures
Storing signatures

# update `deploy/values.yaml`
# the other container images in use are publicly available

To deploy the application to kubernetes use the helm charts as mentioned before.

$ cd deploy/testgrid-exporter
$ kubectl create ns monitoring
$ helm template monitoring -n monitoring . -f values.yaml > exporter.yaml
$ kubectl -n monitoring create -f exporter.yaml

$ kubectl -n monitoring get po 
NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
$ testgrid-exporter-99fc457cd-qpqd5                        1/1     Running   0               1m

$ kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/testgrid-exporter 8081:8081

You should be able to access the exposed metrics


  • Configure custom testgrid json exporter container
  • Configure prometheus to use testgrid json exporter
  • Create helm charts
  • Donate repository to k-sigs org: kubernetes/org#3218
  • Grafana dashboard + configuration: #2
  • Publish container images to a community container registry: #1
  • Multistage build for the image testgrid-exporter: #5
  • Kubernetes Slack Notifications & Alerts: #4
  • Host project on community owned infrastructure: #3

Community, discussion, contribution, and support

You can reach the maintainers of this project at:

Sponsoring SIG's

Code of conduct

Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct.


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