Kubecon 2019 Edition
8076235 🏃 Design for CRD version conversion
b2376f6 ✨ bump CR to v0.4.0 and CT to v0.2.4
a3f3553 Cleanup scaffolded imports
958f5ed Command cleanup
a024127 Delegate resource validation to itself
9ceebf0 Deprecate v1 projects
842d71e Deprecated use removal from the book
44b6b2a Do not use capital letter at the start nor puntuation signs at the end of error strings
cdc066f Document lack of controller manager in integration tests
7623c75 Don't rewrite potentially shared values
f4c81fe Extract Resource from v1 specific package
3701163 Fix position of envtest reference in book ToC
edcb053 Fix syntax highlighting & append in envtest ref
367d3f6 Handle creation of duplicate API resources
7b632b2 Mark other templates as const also
dcd5eb2 Remove duplicate code
4d63aef Rename v1/resource dir to v1/crd
07c0904 Update resource.go
ad021c9 Update resource_test.go
23aeb52 Update resource_test.go
a94e0c8 Use blank identifiers for unused funtion/method paramenters.
d6616b6 add Schema Reconciler attr in the tutorial, design ddoc and plugins scaffold
26adffc add camilamacedo86 as reviewer
2a98119 add required flags validation for create api command
563c037 add validation for the name of the project in the init
c69268a adding sigs.k8s.io/yaml parser instead of yaml.v2
bb4132d addoms/controller: fixup import paths
03a457e chore: add make uninstall target
083b3ae chore: add vscode to gitignore
1a954bd chore: go mod updates
3b3bb21 chore: update testdata
66cdfec code formating
8f1f81f doc(CONTRIBUTING.md) : improvements and add tests info
081a114 feat(rbac) : add editor and viewer role for crds
fe52a52 fix(ci) : update go version in docker images
75606ae fix: tidy up modules
c7c98f8 plugins/addon: perform replacements for type and controller
f8b626c refac(ci/scripts): centralize code and remove duplications
74c71d2 solve issue with groups with . as example.com
45bb01f updated quick-start to use 2.1.0 release
2a8ba1b upgrade project and test to use go 1.13