API versions: v1beta1, v1alpha2
We expect this to be our final release candidate before launching v0.5.0. This
release candidate includes a variety of cleanup and documentation updates.
- Adds webhook validation to ensure that no HTTP header or query param is
matched more than once in a given route rule. (#1230, @skriss)
- Add examples and documentation for v1beta1 (#1238, @EmilyShepherd)
- Add policy attachment example (#1233, @keithmattix)
- Add warning headers for experimental resources/concepts (#1234, @keithmattix)
- All Enum API fields have had updates to clarify that we may add values at any
time, and that implementations must handle unknown Enum values. (#1258,
@youngnick) - Spacing has been improved around the documentation of feature-level
core/extended support for better readability and clarity. (#1241, @acnodal-tc) - Update ReferenceGrant docs to include Gateways that reference a Secret in a
different namespace (#1181, @nathancoleman)
- ReferencePolicyList Items is an array of ReferencePolicy again (#1239,
@dprotaso) - This release of experimental-install.yaml will apply successfully. Previous
releases had some extraneous yaml. (#1232, @acnodal-tc) - The NamedAddress type is back to support backwards compatibility but it is
still formally deprecated. (#1252, @robscott)