Overall status
Supported CSI spec versions
Minimum Kubernetes version
Recommended Kubernetes version
1.22: For ReadWriteOncePod PV access mode
docker pull registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner:v3.2.1
All external-provisioner versions < 1.4.0 are deprecated and will stop functioning in Kubernetes v1.20. See #323 and k/k#80978 for more details. Upgrade your external-provisioner to v1.4+ before Kubernetes v1.20.
Feature status
Feature | Status | Default | Description | Provisioner Feature Gate Required |
Snapshots | GA | On | Snapshots and Restore. | No |
CSIMigration | Beta | On | Migrating in-tree volume plugins to CSI. | No |
CSIStorageCapacity | Beta | On | Publish capacity information for the Kubernetes scheduler. | No |
ReadWriteOncePod | Alpha | Off | Single pod access mode for PersistentVolumes. | No |
HonorPVReclaimPolicy | Alpha | Off | Ensures PV honors the Reclaim policy irrespective of deletion order. | Yes |
PreventVolumeModeConversion | Alpha | Off | Prevent unauthorized conversion of source volume mode | --prevent-volume-mode-conversion (no in-tree feature gate) |