v1.12.16 (2024-05-20)
- dff82c4f release v1.12.16
- 3957427d wait for all pods to be deleted before deleting serviceaccount/clusterrole/clusterrolebinding (#4035)
- b7727988 uninstall.sh: delete OVN-POSTROUTING rule in mangle table (#4034)
- 3cb62914 cleanup.sh: remove sa/clusterrole/clusterrolebinding (#4024)
- 70d33bef do not use exec for start scripts with trap quit EXIT (#4025)
- 93e31377 bump k8s to 1.27.14 (#4029)
- 85009d5e fix node annotations not updated when initializing the default provider-network (#4030)
- 4de2e094 fix container args (#4020)
- 2e700adc fix lsp not updated correctly when logical switch is changed (#4015)
- edee1e54 base: set entrypoint to dumb-init (#4018)
- 03834d80 fix: Resolved the hidden issue with zombie processes (#4004)
- fcfc0995 simplify file reading (#4010)
- d8c8f8ac prepare for next release
- fanriming
- 张祖建