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feat(frontend&backend): Add UI support for object store customization and prefixes #24

feat(frontend&backend): Add UI support for object store customization and prefixes

feat(frontend&backend): Add UI support for object store customization and prefixes #24

Workflow file for this run

name: KFP e2e tests
branches: [master]
- '.github/workflows/e2e-test.yaml'
- 'scripts/deploy/github/**'
- 'go.mod'
- 'go.sum'
- 'backend/**'
- 'frontend/**'
- 'proxy/**'
- 'manifests/kustomize/**'
- 'test/**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Create k8s Kind Cluster
uses: container-tools/kind-action@v2
cluster_name: kfp
kubectl_version: v1.29.2
version: v0.22.0
node_image: kindest/node:v1.29.2
- name: Build images
run: ./scripts/deploy/github/
- name: Deploy KFP
run: ./scripts/deploy/github/
- name: Forward API port
run: ./scripts/deploy/github/ "kubeflow" "ml-pipeline" 8888 8888
- name: Initialization tests v1
working-directory: ./backend/test/initialization
run: go test -v ./... -namespace kubeflow -args -runIntegrationTests=true
- name: Initialization tests v2
working-directory: ./backend/test/v2/initialization
run: go test -v ./... -namespace kubeflow -args -runIntegrationTests=true
- name: API integration tests v1
working-directory: ./backend/test/integration
run: go test -v ./... -namespace ${NAMESPACE} -args -runIntegrationTests=true
- name: API integration tests v2
working-directory: ./backend/test/v2/integration
run: go test -v ./... -namespace ${NAMESPACE} -args -runIntegrationTests=true
- name: Forward Frontend port
run: ./scripts/deploy/github/ "kubeflow" "ml-pipeline-ui" 3000 3000
- name: Build frontend integration tests image
working-directory: ./test/frontend-integration-test
run: docker build . -t kfp-frontend-integration-test:local
- name: Frontend integration tests
run: docker run --net=host kfp-frontend-integration-test:local --remote-run true
- name: Basic sample tests - sequential
run: pip3 install -r ./test/sample-test/requirements.txt && pip3 install kfp~=2.0 && python3 ./test/sample-test/ sample_test run_test --namespace kubeflow --test-name sequential --results-gcs-dir output
# Disabled while is not resolved
# - name: Basic sample tests - exit_handler
# run: pip3 install -r ./test/sample-test/requirements.txt && pip3 install kfp~=2.0 && python3 ./test/sample-test/ sample_test run_test --namespace kubeflow --test-name exit_handler --results-gcs-dir output
- name: Collect test results
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: kfp-backend-artifacts
path: /tmp/tmp.*/*