Materials for the "Data visualization and storytelling" PhD course, Fall 2024, University of Copenhagen
Teachers: Kaustubh Chakradeo, Jacob Curran-Sebastian, Neil Scheidwasser, Samir Bhatt
It is recommended to download or clone the repo in a new directory.
For git users, use:
git clone
Otherwise, download the repo as a .zip here and de-compress it.
- Download:
- Windows:
- Mac (arm64; M1/M2 Macs):
- Mac (x86):
- Linux (Ubuntu): follow the instructions at
- Follow the steps after running the executable file to install
- Check: open a terminal (in Windows, Command Prompt) and type
--> it should open an R console
- Go to the RStudio website:
- Scroll down and download the appropriate version depending on your OS.
- Check: open RStudio, and check that the R version is the same as the one you installed
- We will use Rmarkdown to generate formated documents where text and code can be combined
- Installation:
A basic setup with a comprehensive set of packages for scientific computing and data visualisation can be installed via the tidyverse
If you prefer to have a more minimal setup, you can install the following packages that are necessary for the exercises:
Basic data analysis:
"dplyr", # Data manipulation
"lubridate" # Date manipulation
"gridExtra", # Grid graphics and subplots
"ggplot2", # Graphics
"readxl", # Excel I/O
"ggspatial" # Spatial data framework for ggplot2
"plotly", # Interactive plots
"rnaturalearth", # Earth map data manipulation
"rnaturalearhdata", # Earth vector map data
"rnaturalearthhires", # High-resolution Earth vector map data
"sf", # Simple Features manipulation (geographic data)
"tmap", # (Interactive) thematic maps
"corrplot", # Correlation matrix plots
"uwot", # UMAP dimensionality reduction
"daggity", # DAGs
"ggdag", # Extension of daggity for ggplot2
"igraph", # Network analysis
"ggraph", # Networks in ggplot2
"tidygraph", # Networks in the tidyverse