This site uses LESS css pre-processing and Jade templating.
For development, this project contains a nodemon build and server system.
If you do not yet have Git installed on your computer, download and install the Github desktop app from
If you do not yet have Node installed on your computer, download and install the package from the following address
The first step is to get the code down to your computer by cloning the repository from Github. You can clone the repository into any directory on your computer using the github desktop app, or by running the following command in your computer's command prompt/terminal.
Install all the dependencies from NPM by running the following command:
npm install
Build the project and start the web server by running nodemon. This will also automatically watch your source files and re-build the app every time one of your source files changes.
To view the website, go to http://localhost:3000
The CSS source files (in .less format) are contained in this directory. See for details.
The HTML templates use Jade templating and are contained in the 'jade' directory. See for details.