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Comparisons with other C# to JS Cross compilers

kswoll edited this page Mar 20, 2014 · 5 revisions

WootzJs is a C# to Javascript cross-compiler. You write your code in C#, and the result is Javascript that can be run in any browser (or other host). You may be wondering why we need another C# to JS compiler, since there are already at least three options available to developers wishing to leverage this concept.

All of these products bring something to the table that the others do not.


Script# is very stable and has extensive integration with 3rd party Javascript libraries. Furthermore, it has excellent Visual Studio integration, and it provides a custom implementation of mscorlib. This means that you know precisely what functionality has actually been implemented at the tooling level. If, for example, Console.Write() is not implemented, that method will not be available in your editor.

However, it is still stuck in C# 2.0 (without even the generics found in that version of C#). This means that the modern C# developer is giving up an enormous set of language features that most of us depend on without reservation -- particularly the aforementioned generics in addition to lambdas and LINQ. This makes Script# essentially a non-starter for many developers.


JSIL is an extremely impressive work that cross-compiles IL into Javascript. It is so robust it can easily handle the cross-compilation of large 3d video games. The downside is that because of its completeness the resultant Javascript files are enormous. If you just want mscorlib.dll and System.dll, it's about a 50MB download. Furthermore, this project is really not designed to be used in the context of a web application, and the amount of effort required to get started is a bit daunting.

This toolkit too implements a custom mscorlib, again allowing you to know what capabilities are available to you. However, it has poor Visual Studio integration, forcing you to create all the custom build steps necessary to invoke the compiler and copy the output to the desired location.


This commercial product strives to provide support for most of the C# 4.0 language features. It generally succeeds and there's a decent chance this product will meet your needs. It is lightweight (small .JS files), supports modern C# language features (generics, LINQ, etc.) and is usually reliable. It also has a large number of bindings for 3rd party Javascript librarires. However, there are a surprising number of edge cases that you will invariably encounter that are not supported.

For example, the type system is shallow and does not support representing generics or arrays (i.e. typeof(Foo[]) == typeof(Bar[]), typeof(List<string>) == typeof(List<int>)). The support for reflection is limited, with various member types incapable of supporting attributes. Expression tree support is non-existent, and the yield implementation is inefficient (no state machine). Also, a custom mscorlib is not available, and script C# files and normal C# files are intermingled in your projects, forcing you to decorate each and every script file with a [JsType] attribute to distinguish them from normally compiled classes.

So that brings us back to...


WootzJs strives to be a fairly lightweight (goal is a ~100k minified JS file) cross-compiler that allows for all the major C# language features. In fact, all features except for async/await should be already supported. (and support for async is forthcoming, but will probably take some time to implement)

Notable Language Features Supported:

  • yield statements (generated as an efficient state machine)
  • ref and out parameters
  • lambdas and anonymous methods
  • expression trees
  • lambdas and delegates (with proper capturing of this)
  • generics support in both the compiler and the runtime
  • C# semantics for closures (if you capture a variable via closure, that variable retains its value at the time of capture if the value were to change in the outer scope)

There are extensive QUnit tests that allow for a high degree of confidence in the reliability of its output. It is implemented using Roslyn, which means it will be first in line to take advantage of future language improvements, since those will now be implemented via Roslyn itself.

Two important areas that are currently unimplemented are native minification and Visual Studio integration. Currently, the Visual Studio support is on par with JSIL. And minification is left to some external tool, the efficacy of which I am dubious. Future plans call for generating unique identifiers within each namespace that are autoincremented and short. Combined with reducing all unnecessary whitespace will reduce the generated output by approximately 20x. Also, better Visual Studio integration on par with Script# is forthcoming.

What WootzJs Is Not

WootzJs has been designed from the beginning with the following goals as explicitly not part of the mission.

  • The prettiness of the JS. Obviously it's better for the code to look pretty than not, and the output should be fairly readable. That being said, if there's ever even a bit of tradeoff between the looks of the output and the behavior of the code, behavior wins every time.
  • The size of the output. Again, it's clearly better for the output to be smaller than larger, but if for example, we have to decide between reflection and output size, reflection wins. That being said, it is a requirement that the output size be manageable, so anything over a few 100K would be way over the limit.
  • The interoperability of your C# types with Javascript APIs. For example, C# properties are implemented using a getter and setter. Anonymous types are classes composed of properties. Therefore, anonymous types are composed of backing fields with getters and setters. This is clearly fine when living in C#, but if you try to pass an object with properties (anonymous or otherwise) to something expecting to consume JSON, the consumer will have a sad. That being said, there are (will) of course be APIs to serialize to and from JSON.
  • The appearance that your C# classes and methods are actually Javascript "classes" and functions. For example, the new operator in Javascript applies to a function. Naturally, this means that the concept of constructor overloads go right out the window. (Needless to say, all forms of method overloading is a foreign concept to JS). This means that if you have a class Foo in Javascript, you would construct it via new Foo(arg1, arg2, ...). In WootzJs, each constructor is its own method defined in the prototype. Thus, to instantiate Foo in WootzJs, the compiler generates code like Foo.prototype.$ctor.$new().