An easy to use customizable library to make your Go application Distributed, Highly available, Fault Tolerant etc... using Hashicorp's Raft library which implements the Raft Consensus Algorithm.
- Configure and start a fully functional Raft node by writing ~10 lines of code
- Automatic Node discovery (nodes are discovering each other using Discovery method)
- Built-in discovery methods:
- Static Discovery (having a fixed list of nodes addresses)
- mDNS Discovery for local network node discovery
- Kubernetes discovery
- Built-in discovery methods:
- Cloud Native because of kubernetes discovery and easy to load balance features
- Automatic forward to leader - you can contact any node to perform operations, everything will be forwarded to the actual leader node
- Node monitoring/removal - the nodes are monitoring each other and if there are some failures then the offline nodes get removed automatically from cluster
- Simplified state machine - there is an already implemented generic state machine which handles the basic operations and routes requests to State Machine Services (see Examples)
- All layers are customizable - you can select or implement your own State Machine Service, Message Serializer and Discovery Method
- gRPC transport layer - the internal communications are done through gRPC based communication, if needed you can add your own services
Note: snapshots are not supported at the moment, will be handled at later point Note: at the moment the communication between nodes are insecure, I recommend to not expose that port
You can create a simple EasyRaft Node with local mDNS discovery, an in-memory Map service and MsgPack as serializer(this is the only one built-in at the moment)
import (
func main() {
raftPort := 5000
discoveryPort := 5001
dataDir := "s1"
node, err := easyraft.NewNode(
if err != nil {
stoppedCh, err := node.Start()
if err != nil {
defer node.Stop()
Examples can be found in the examples directory
To regenerate gRPC code and install dependencies simply run make install
- Add more examples
- Test coverage
- Secure communication between nodes (SSL/TLS)
- Backup/Restore backup handling
- Allow configuration option to pass any custom raft.FSM