This is a Wordle game written in Kotlin with a simple command-line interface. It is meant to emulate the New York Times version of the game, except for the dictionary.
Any execution method will need Java 11 and up.
Probably the easiest way to run the app is to create a project in your IDE and run it from there. A close
second would be to go to a command line, change directories (folders) to the installation folder and type
in Linux or .\wordle.bat
in Windows. Otherwise, you can build it by issuing this Gradle
command in the installation directory:
./gradlew build
.\gradlew build
Then execute the app with:
./gradlew run -q --console=plain
.\gradlew run -q --console=plain
Or you can execute the app using the Java jar file. From the installation directory, type:
java -jar build/libs/Wordle-0.5-standalone.jar
java -jar build\libs\Wordle-0.5-standalone.jar
Being red/green colorblind, I am sensitive to the choice of colors. The NYTimes version of Wordle uses orange and green, which are very hard for me to tell apart. So the letters that are in the right place are still green, but the background is white (or grey on a terminal with a white background.) This makes it easy for me to distinguish the two, but is still the color scheme that most people are used to.
The dictionary is just a text file called words.txt
with one word per line located in src/main/resources
You can also build your own dictionary. If your system has a text dictionary with one word per line, like
, there is a Python program in src/main/resources
that will create the
file from scratch.
One thing that is not easy to do is filter out plurals, so they are left in. They are not legal in the NYTimes version of Wordle, so be aware of that.
The word list is somewhat curated. It contains no offensive words or racial slurs that I can think of, but some may have gotten past me.