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New and improved snakemake pipelines for RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and ATAC-seq processing for the Phanstiel Lab

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bagPipes is a collection of next-gen sequencing processing pipelines for the Phanstiel Lab.

bagPipes includes pipelines for paired-end RNA-seq data, ChIP-seq/CUT&RUN data, and ATAC-seq data using the Snakemake framework.

It also includes a pipeline for single-end ChIP-seq/CUT&RUN data.

This pipeline is inteded to be run on the UNC HPC longleaf cluster with SLURM.

Table of Contents


The individual pipelines of bagPipes are run in very similar ways, with differences in their config .yaml files that can be used to fine tune runs. When using default settings, the general steps for all pipelines are as follows:

  1. Clone workflow into working direcotry:

    git clone .
  2. Edit the tab-separated XXXXsamplesheet.txt file with the names of Read1 and Read2 gzipped fastq files (or just Read1 for single-end data), and the paths to these files under the Sequencing_Directory column. No naming convention is needed. Any number of optional columns can be included for metadata, output file naming, and sample merging. An example is shown below:

    Project Cell_Type Genotype Bio_Rep Tech_Rep Seq_Rep Read1 Read2 Sequencing_Directory
    PROJ CELL WT 1 1 1 sample1_R1.fq.gz sample1_R2.fq.gz /path/to/fastq/directory/
    PROJ CELL WT 2 1 1 sample2_R1.fq.gz sample2_R2.fq.gz /path/to/fastq/directory/
    PROJ CELL MUT 1 1 1 sample3_R1.fq.gz sample3_R2.fq.gz /path/to/fastq/directory/
    PROJ CELL MUT 2 1 1 sample4_R1.fq.gz sample4_R2.fq.gz /path/to/fastq/directory/
  3. Edit the appropriate config.yaml file for your system/experiment (RNAconfig.yaml, ChIPconfig.yaml, or ATACconfig.yaml will be used for appropriate pipelines by default). The fileNamesFrom parameter uses a list of column names to generate sample names. The mergeBy parameter will be used to create merged alignments and downstream files (signal tracks, peaks). To suppress merging, set mergeBy equal to fileNamesFrom or to ''. See the example RNAconfig.yaml below:

## Path to sample sheet
samplesheet: 'RNAsamplesheet.txt'

## List columns to concatenate for file names 
## (or indicate a single Name column, i.e. fileNamesFrom: ['Name'])
fileNamesFrom: ['Project', 'Cell_Type', 'Genotype', 'Time', 'Bio_Rep', 'Tech_Rep']

## List columns to group (i.e. any columns left out will become part of the same group)
## set mergeBy: '' for no merging
mergeBy: ['Project', 'Cell_Type', 'Genotype']

## Indicate whether to create stranded signal tracks
stranded: True # False

## Genome-specific reference parameters (choose correct genome build!)
salmon: '/proj/seq/data/salmon_RNAseq_genomes/hg38_cdna/salmon_index/default'
hisat2: '/proj/seq/data/hg38_UCSC/Sequence/HISAT2Index/genome'
gtf: '/proj/seq/data/GRCh38_GENCODE/gencode.v32.primary_assembly.annotation.gtf'

## salmon: '/proj/seq/data/HG19_UCSC/Sequence/SalmonIndex/'
## hisat2: '/proj/seq/data/HG19_UCSC/Sequence/HISAT2Index/'
## gtf: '/proj/seq/data/HG19_UCSC/Annotation/Genes/genes.gtf'

## Software versions
fastqcVers: "0.11.9"
trimVers: "0.6.7"
salmonVers: "1.10.0"
hisatVers: "2.2.1"
samtoolsVers: "1.17"
deeptoolsVers: "3.5.1"
multiqcVers: "1.11" 
rVers: "4.2.2"
  1. Submit to SLURM with sbatch scripts:

    sbatch   # to launch RNApipe
    sbatch  # to launch ATACpipe
    sbatch  # to launch ChIPpipe

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Pipeline Details


The RNApipe SLURM wrapper will sequentially launch the RNApipeCore and mergeSignal workflows using the RNAconfig.yaml file.

RNApipeCore creates quantification files, alignments and signal tracks. Output files are named according to fileNamesFrom list in the config file.

mergeSignal generates merged alignments and signal tracks based on the mergeBy list in the config file.

For both workflows, stranded signal tracks will be created by default, but can be toggled off using the stranded parameter in the config file.

RNA Workflow

The RNApipe core workflow (without merging) is as follows:

RNA Output

├── align
├── benchmarks
├── {runName}_RNApipeSamplesheet.txt
├── logs
├── logs_slurm
├── (mergeAlign)  # merging only
├── (mergeSignal) # merging only
├── QC
├── quant
├── signal
└── trim

RNA Code

Example of code for RNApipeCore workflow
# rule fastqc
fastqc -o output/QC {read1}.fastq.gz {read2}.fastq.gz

mv output/QC/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz) output/QC  {sampleName}

mv output/QC/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz) output/QC  {sampleName}

mv output/QC/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_fastqc.html output/QC  {sampleName}_R1_fastqc.html

mv output/QC/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_fastqc.html output/QC  {sampleName}_R1_fastqc.html  

# rule trim
trim_galore -o output/trim --paired {read1}.fastq.gz {read2}.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_val_1.fq.gz output  trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_val_2.fq.gz output  trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_trimming_report.txt  output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimming_report.txt

mv output/trim/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_trimming_report.txt  output/trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimming_report.txt  

# rule quant
salmon quant --writeUnmappedNames --threads 1 -i {config.salmon} -l A -1  output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz -2 output/trim/{sampleName  _R2_trimmed.fastq.gz -o output/quant/{sampleName}  

# rule align
hisat2 -q -x {config.hisat2} -1 output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq  gz -2 output/trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz | samtools view -u |   samtools sort -o output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam

samtools flagstat output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam > output/align  {sampleName}_stats.txt

samtools index output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam  

# rule signal
bamCoverage -b output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam -o output/signal  unstranded/{sampleName}.bw  

# rule strandedSignal
bamCoverage --filterRNAstrand forward -b output/align/{sampleName}_sorted  bam -o output/signal/stranded/{sampleName}

bamCoverage --filterRNAstrand reverse -b output/align/{sampleName}_sorted  bam -o output/signal/stranded/{sampleName}  

# rule multiqc
multiqc -f output/* -o output/QC

mv output/QC/multiqc_report.html output/QC/{runName}_multiqc_report.html

mv output/QC/multiqc_data output/QC/{runName}_multiqc_data  

# rule tximport
Rscript workflows/utils/txImporter.R output/{runName}_RNApipeSamplesheet  txt {config.gtf} output/quant {runName}
Example of code for mergeSignal workflow
# rule mergeAlign
samtools merge output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_sorted.bam output/align  {sampleName1}_sorted.bam output/align/{sampleName2}_sorted.bam

samtools flagstat output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_sorted.bam > output  mergeAlign/{mergeName}_stats.txt

samtools index output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_sorted.bam 

# rule mergeSignal
bamCoverage -b output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_sorted.bam -o output  mergeSignal/unstranded/{mergeName}.bw  

# rule mergeStrandedSignal
bamCoverage --filterRNAstrand forward -b output/mergeAlign/{mergeName  _sorted.bam -o output/mergeSignal/stranded/{mergeName}

bamCoverage --filterRNAstrand reverse -b output/mergeAlign/{mergeName  _sorted.bam -o output/mergeSignal/stranded/{mergeName}

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ChIPpipe and ATACpipe

The ChIPpipe and ATACpipe SLURM wrappers will launch either the baseline or merged workflows via the ChIPpipeLauncher and ATACpipeLauncher decision workflows.

For single-end ChIP/CUT&RUN data, be sure to set paired: False in the ChIPconfig.yaml file and modify the ChIPsamplesheetSE.txt file accordingly.

Both baseline and merged workflows output peak calls, a count matrix, alignments, and signal tracks. Both workflows generate a final summary peakCounts.tsv file containing the counts from each individual alignment at the merged set of peaks.The ChIPpipeMerged and ATACpipeMerged workflows call peaks from merged alignments, rather than individual alignments, based on the ChIPconfig.yaml and ATACconfig.yaml files.

Output files are named according to the fileNamesFrom entry in the config file. Merging is dictated by the mergeBy entry in the config file. If mergeBy is empty or equivalent to fileNamesFrom, only the baseline workflow will be run.


The ChIPpipe and ATACpipe core workflows (without merging) are as follows:


ChIPpipe-{jobid}.out # or ATACpipe-{jobid}.out
├── align
├── benchmarks
├── {runName}_ChIPpipeSamplesheet.txt  # {runName}_ATACpipeSamplesheet.txt
├── logs
├── logs_slurm
├── (mergeAlign)  # merging only
├── (mergeSignal) # merging only
├── peaks
├── QC
├── signal
└── trim


Example of code for baseline ChIPpipe workflow
# rule fastqc
fastqc -o output/QC {read1}.fastq.gz {read2}.fastq.gz

mv output/QC/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz) output/QC  {sampleName}

mv output/QC/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz) output/QC  {sampleName}

mv output/QC/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_fastqc.html output/QC  {sampleName}_R1_fastqc.html

mv output/QC/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_fastqc.html output/QC  {sampleName}_R1_fastqc.html  

# rule trim
trim_galore -o output/trim --paired {read1}.fastq.gz {read2}.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_val_1.fq.gz output  trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_val_2.fq.gz output  trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_trimming_report.txt  output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimming_report.txt

mv output/trim/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_trimming_report.txt  output/trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimming_report.txt  

# rule align
bwa mem -t 8 {config.bwamem} output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz output/trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz | samtools view -u | samtools sort -o output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam

samtools flagstat output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam > output/align/{sampleName}_stats.txt

java -Xmx16g -jar /nas/longleaf/apps/picard/2.10.3/picard-2.10.3/picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam O=output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam M=output/align/{sampleName}_dup_metrics.txt REMOVE_SEQUENCING_DUPLICATES=true

samtools index output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam

# rule signal
bamCoverage -b output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam -o output/signal  unstranded/{sampleName}.bw  

# rule peaks
macs2 callpeak -t output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam -f BAM -q 0.01 -g hs --nomodel --shift 0 --extsize 200 --keep-dup all -B --SPMR --outdir output/peaks -n {sampleName}

# rule multiqc
multiqc -f output/* -o output/QC

mv output/QC/multiqc_report.html output/QC/{runName}_multiqc_report.html

mv output/QC/multiqc_data output/QC/{runName}_multiqc_data  

# rule countMatrix
cat output/peaks/*_peaks.narrowPeak | awk '{{ OFS="\t"}};{{ print $1, $2, $3, $4 }}' | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedtools merge > TEMP.bed

grep -ve "-1" TEMP.bed > output/peaks/{runName}_mergedPeaks.bed

printf "chr\tstart\tstop\t" > output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv

for f in output/align/*_nodups_sorted.bam; do NAME=$(basename $f _filter_sorted.bam);  printf '%s\t' "$NAME" >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv; done

printf "\n" >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv

bedtools multicov -bams output/align/*_nodups_sorted.bam -bed output/peaks/{runName}_mergedPeaks.bed >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv
Example of code for merged ChIPpipe workflow
# rule fastqc
fastqc -o output/QC {read1}.fastq.gz {read2}.fastq.gz

mv output/QC/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz) output/QC  {sampleName}

mv output/QC/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz) output/QC  {sampleName}

mv output/QC/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_fastqc.html output/QC  {sampleName}_R1_fastqc.html

mv output/QC/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_fastqc.html output/QC  {sampleName}_R1_fastqc.html  

# rule trim
trim_galore -o output/trim --paired {read1}.fastq.gz {read2}.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_val_1.fq.gz output  trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_val_2.fq.gz output  trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_trimming_report.txt  output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimming_report.txt

mv output/trim/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_trimming_report.txt  output/trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimming_report.txt  

# rule align
bwa mem -t 8 {config.bwamem} output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz output/trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz | samtools view -u | samtools sort -o output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam

samtools flagstat output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam > output/align/{sampleName}_stats.txt

java -Xmx16g -jar /nas/longleaf/apps/picard/2.10.3/picard-2.10.3/picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam O=output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam M=output/align/{sampleName}_dup_metrics.txt REMOVE_SEQUENCING_DUPLICATES=true

samtools index output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam

# rule signal
bamCoverage -b output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam -o output/signal  unstranded/{sampleName}.bw  

# rule mergeAlign
samtools merge output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_nodups_sorted.bam output/align/{sampleName1}_nodups_sorted.bam output/align/{sampleName2}_nodups_sorted.bam

samtools flagstat output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_nodups_sorted.bam > output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_stats.txt

samtools index output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_nodups_sorted.bam 

# rule mergeSignal
bamCoverage -b output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_nodups_sorted.bam -o output/mergeSignal/{mergeName}.bw

# rule peaks
macs2 callpeak -t output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_nodups_sorted.bam -f BAM -q 0.01 -g hs --nomodel --shift 0 --extsize 200 --keep-dup all -B --SPMR --outdir output/peaks -n {mergeName}

# rule multiqc
multiqc -f output/* -o output/QC

mv output/QC/multiqc_report.html output/QC/{runName}_multiqc_report.html

mv output/QC/multiqc_data output/QC/{runName}_multiqc_data  

# rule countMatrix
cat output/peaks/*_peaks.narrowPeak | awk '{{ OFS="\t"}};{{ print $1, $2, $3, $4 }}' | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedtools merge > TEMP.bed

grep -ve "-1" TEMP.bed > output/peaks/{runName}_mergedPeaks.bed

printf "chr\tstart\tstop\t" > output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv

for f in output/align/*_nodups_sorted.bam; do NAME=$(basename $f _filter_sorted.bam);  printf '%s\t' "$NAME" >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv; done

printf "\n" >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv

bedtools multicov -bams output/align/*_nodups_sorted.bam -bed output/peaks/{runName}_mergedPeaks.bed >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv
Example of code for baseline ATACpipe workflow
# rule fastqc
fastqc -o output/QC {read1}.fastq.gz {read2}.fastq.gz

mv output/QC/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz) output/QC  {sampleName}

mv output/QC/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz) output/QC  {sampleName}

mv output/QC/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_fastqc.html output/QC  {sampleName}_R1_fastqc.html

mv output/QC/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_fastqc.html output/QC  {sampleName}_R1_fastqc.html  

# rule trim
trim_galore -o output/trim --paired {read1}.fastq.gz {read2}.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_val_1.fq.gz output  trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_val_2.fq.gz output  trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_trimming_report.txt  output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimming_report.txt

mv output/trim/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_trimming_report.txt  output/trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimming_report.txt  

# rule align
bwa mem -t 8 {config.bwamem} output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz output/trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz | samtools view -u | samtools sort -o output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam

samtools flagstat output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam > output/align/{sampleName}_stats.txt

java -Xmx16g -jar /nas/longleaf/apps/picard/2.10.3/picard-2.10.3/picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam O=output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam M=output/align/{sampleName}_dup_metrics.txt REMOVE_SEQUENCING_DUPLICATES=true

samtools index output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam

samtools idxstats output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam | cut -f 1 | grep -v 'chrM' | xargs samtools view -b output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam > output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_filtered_sorted.bam

samtools index output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_filtered_sorted.bam

# rule signal
bamCoverage -b output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam -o output/signal  unstranded/{sampleName}.bw  

# rule peaks
macs2 callpeak -t output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam -f BAM -q 0.01 -g hs --nomodel --shift 100 --extsize 200 --keep-dup all -B --SPMR --outdir output/peaks -n {sampleName}

# rule multiqc
multiqc -f output/* -o output/QC

mv output/QC/multiqc_report.html output/QC/{runName}_multiqc_report.html

mv output/QC/multiqc_data output/QC/{runName}_multiqc_data  

# rule countMatrix
cat output/peaks/*_peaks.narrowPeak | awk '{{ OFS="\t"}};{{ print $1, $2, $3, $4 }}' | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedtools merge > TEMP.bed

grep -ve "-1" TEMP.bed > output/peaks/{runName}_mergedPeaks.bed

printf "chr\tstart\tstop\t" > output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv

for f in output/align/*_nodups_filtered_sorted.bam; do NAME=$(basename $f _filter_sorted.bam);  printf '%s\t' "$NAME" >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv; done

printf "\n" >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv

bedtools multicov -bams output/align/*_nodups_filtered_sorted.bam -bed output/peaks/{runName}_mergedPeaks.bed >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv
Example of code for merged ATACpipe workflow
# rule fastqc
fastqc -o output/QC {read1}.fastq.gz {read2}.fastq.gz

mv output/QC/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz) output/QC  {sampleName}

mv output/QC/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz) output/QC  {sampleName}

mv output/QC/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_fastqc.html output/QC  {sampleName}_R1_fastqc.html

mv output/QC/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_fastqc.html output/QC  {sampleName}_R1_fastqc.html  

# rule trim
trim_galore -o output/trim --paired {read1}.fastq.gz {read2}.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_val_1.fq.gz output  trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_val_2.fq.gz output  trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

mv output/trim/$(basename {read1}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_trimming_report.txt  output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimming_report.txt

mv output/trim/$(basename {read2}.fastq.gz .fastq.gz)_trimming_report.txt  output/trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimming_report.txt  

# rule align
bwa mem -t 8 {config.bwamem} output/trim/{sampleName}_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz output/trim/{sampleName}_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz | samtools view -u | samtools sort -o output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam

samtools flagstat output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam > output/align/{sampleName}_stats.txt

java -Xmx16g -jar /nas/longleaf/apps/picard/2.10.3/picard-2.10.3/picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=output/align/{sampleName}_sorted.bam O=output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam M=output/align/{sampleName}_dup_metrics.txt REMOVE_SEQUENCING_DUPLICATES=true

samtools index output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam

samtools idxstats output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam | cut -f 1 | grep -v 'chrM' | xargs samtools view -b output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam > output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_filtered_sorted.bam

samtools index output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_filtered_sorted.bam

# rule signal
bamCoverage -b output/align/{sampleName}_nodups_sorted.bam -o output/signal  unstranded/{sampleName}.bw  

# rule mergeAlign
samtools merge output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_nodups_sorted.bam output/align/{sampleName1}_nodups_sorted.bam output/align/{sampleName2}_nodups_sorted.bam

samtools flagstat output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_nodups_sorted.bam > output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_stats.txt

samtools index output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_nodups_sorted.bam 

# rule mergeSignal
bamCoverage -b output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_nodups_sorted.bam -o output/mergeSignal/{mergeName}.bw

# rule peaks
macs2 callpeak -t output/mergeAlign/{mergeName}_nodups_sorted.bam -f BAM -q 0.01 -g hs --nomodel --shift 100 --extsize 200 --keep-dup all -B --SPMR --outdir output/peaks -n {mergeName}

# rule multiqc
multiqc -f output/* -o output/QC

mv output/QC/multiqc_report.html output/QC/{runName}_multiqc_report.html

mv output/QC/multiqc_data output/QC/{runName}_multiqc_data  

# rule countMatrix
cat output/peaks/*_peaks.narrowPeak | awk '{{ OFS="\t"}};{{ print $1, $2, $3, $4 }}' | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedtools merge > TEMP.bed

grep -ve "-1" TEMP.bed > output/peaks/{runName}_mergedPeaks.bed

printf "chr\tstart\tstop\t" > output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv

for f in output/align/*_nodups_filtered_sorted.bam; do NAME=$(basename $f _filter_sorted.bam);  printf '%s\t' "$NAME" >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv; done

printf "\n" >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv

bedtools multicov -bams output/align/*_nodups_filtered_sorted.bam -bed output/peaks/{runName}_mergedPeaks.bed >> output/peaks/{runName}_peakCounts.tsv

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Merging signal tracks

Note: Currently only compatible with RNApipe. Adjustments required for ATAC/ChIP.

Sometimes you want to create merged signal tracks using several different merging schemes. The mergeSignal workflow can be used following a previous run to generate new signal tracks in this way (requires at least existing .bam and .bai files for samples in the samplesheet). Merging will be determined using the mergeBy parameter in the config sheet used. The general steps are:

  1. Complete a core run, featuring at minimum the following output structure:
└── align
	├── sample1.bam
	├── sample1.bam.bai
	├── sample2.bam
	└── sample2.bam.bai
  1. Adjust the config.yaml file mergeBy parameter to merge accordingly.

  2. Launch the mergeSignal workflow (currently manual):

snakemake -s workflows/mergeSignal.snakefile --configfile "config/RNAconfig.yaml" --cluster-config "config/cluster.yaml" --cluster "sbatch -J {} -p {cluster.partition} -t {cluster.time} -c {cluster.cpusPerTask} --mem-per-cpu={cluster.memPerCpu} -N {cluster.nodes} --output {cluster.output} --error {cluster.error} --parsable" --cluster-status ./workflows/utils/ -j 100 --max-jobs-per-second 5 --max-status-checks-per-second 5 --rerun-incomplete -p --latency-wait 500 

Output directory structure:

├── align
│   ├── sample_WT_1.bam
│   ├── sample_WT_1.bam.bai
│   ├── sample_WT_2.bam
│   └── sample_WT_2.bam.bai
├── mergeSignal
│   ├── sample_WT.bam
│   └── sample_WT.bam.bai
└── mergeAlign

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Run the script within workflows/utils in order to summarize all existing benchmark files.

module load python/3.6.6
python3 ./workflows/utils/

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Use this command when you want to delete or add to a previously generated output.

./ rna
./ chip 
./ atac

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To Do


  • Move to-do list to github issues!
  • Make creation of the samplesheet a rule


  • Make fastqc rule more robust to different file extensions (currently hardcoded to accept .fastq.gz only; new param in config?)
  • (Optional) Make output for quant rule (Salmon) accept the directories themselves as outputs
  • Consider trying to incorporate the mergeSignal into RNApipeCore

ChIPpipe + ATACpipe

  • Test and facilitate compatibility with mergeSignal
  • Consider editing ChIPpipe rule countMatrix to create header line from {wildcards.sampleName}
  • Adjust chrM format to be a config parameter in rule align
  • Move MACS2 peak calling settings into config

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New and improved snakemake pipelines for RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and ATAC-seq processing for the Phanstiel Lab






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Contributors 4
