The most convenient & lightweight AES256 Encryption Framework for Swift 3 ever! For Swift 2 use tag 0.1.1
- Just a single file in pure Swift 2 & 3 source code
- Runs natively on iOS, macOS, tvOS & watchOS
- No additional dependencies or header files
- Maximum convenience for encrypting / decrypting of strings
- Built-in generating of compatible 32 character password
- Automatic string padding
- Automatic handling & embedding of a random initialisation vector
Please follow SwiftyBeaver on Twitter to stay up-to-date on new versions.
- iOS 8.0+, macOS X 10.9+, tvOS 9+, watchOS 2+
- Xcode 7+
You can use Carthage to install AES256CBC by adding that to your Cartfile:
github "SwiftyBeaver/AES256CBC"
To use CocoaPods just add this to your Podfile:
pod 'AES256CBC'
To use AES256CBC as a Swift Package Manager package just add the following to your Package.swift file’s dependencies.
.Package(url: "")
- Download the latest release zip from here
- Drag & drop the
folder into your project (make sure "Copy items if needed" is checked) - Rename the "sources" group to "AES256CBC" if you'd like
Note: You don't have to import AES256CBC
if you install this way.
Example which encrypts and decrypts a string using a randomly generated 32 character password. In real-life you would add your own 32 character password instead.
import AES256CBC
let str = "My little secret"
let password = AES256CBC.generatePassword() // returns random 32 char string
// get AES-256 CBC encrypted string
let encrypted = AES256CBC.encryptString(str, password: password)
// decrypt AES-256 CBC encrypted string
let decrypted = AES256CBC.decryptString(encrypted!, password: password)
We ❤️ server-side Swift 3 and here is an example how to build & test AES256CBC in a Docker container on Ubuntu. Use the included Dockerfile:
docker build --rm -t aes256cbc .
If anything goes wrong, most likely due to a password which is not 32 characters long, then encryptString()
and decryptString()
return nil.
You don’t need to worry about the important initial vector which is required to make AES-256 much more secure. AES256CBC automatically generates a random initial vector for you and adds it to the start of the encrypted string. During decryption AES256CBC reads the first 16 characters of the encrypted string and uses them as initial vector to decrypt the remaining encrypted string.
The framework is used in multiple projects of SwiftyBeaver and was developed in cooperation with Marcin Krzyżanowski from CryptoSwift.
If you have questions please contact Sebastian via the dedicated SwiftyBeaver Twitter account. Feature requests or bugs are better reported and discussed as Github Issue.
Please contribute back any great stuff, especially bugfixes & security issues! Each new bugfix, feature request or addition/change should be put in a dedicated pull request to simplify discussion and merging.
Thanks for testing, sharing, staring & contributing!
AES256CBC is released under the MIT License. The core crypto logic is a tailored version of CryptoSwift written by Marcin Krzyżanowski, please read & respect his license which can be found in the middle of the file AES256CBC.swift, too.