MNE-HFO is a Python package that computes estimates of high-frequency oscillations in iEEG data stored in the BIDS-compatible datasets with the help of MNE-Python.
The initial code was adapted and taken from:
to turn into a sklearn-compatible API that works with mne-python
. Additional algorithms and functionality are added.
NOTE: This is currently in ALPHA stage, and we are looking for contributors. Please get in touch via Issues tab if you would like to contribute.
A few notes that are worthy of reading. The initial papers on HFOs (Staba et al.) actually only observed HFOs on Hippocampus. In addition, the papers cited that are implemented all selected data before developing their algorithm (i.e. selected channels with HFOs).
It is also noted that the Hilbert detector was used to show HFOs exist in normal brain function, possibly unassociated with the epileptogenic zone.
Currently HFO detection and algorithms are segmented in Matlab files, which are sometimes not open-source, or possibly difficult to use. In addition, validation of HFO algorithms depend on i) sharing the algorithms ii) sharing the results with others in a readable format and iii) comparing algorithms against each other on the same dataset.
MNE-HFO links BIDS, MNE-Python and iEEG HFO event detection with the goal to make HFO detection more transparent, more robust, and facilitate data and code sharing with co-workers and collaborators.
Installation is RECOMMENDED via a python virtual environment, using pipenv
. The package is hosted on pypi
, which
can be installed via pip, or pipenv.
pip install mne-hfo
pipenv install mne-hfo
Note: Installation has been tested on MacOSX and Ubuntu, but should probably work on Windows too.
The documentation can be found under the following links:
- for the stable release
- for the latest (development) version
Note: Functionality has been tested on MacOSX and Ubuntu.
A basic working example is listed here, assuming one has loaded in a mne-Python Raw
object already.
from mne_hfo import RMSDetector
detector = RMSDetector()
# assume user has loaded in raw iEEG data using mne-python
# get the HFO events as an *events.tsv style dataframe
hfo_event_df = detector.hfo_event_df
# get the HFO events as an *events.tsv style dataframe
hfo_annot_df = detector.hfo_df
All output to *events.tsv
BIDS-compliant files will look like the following:
onset | duration | sample | trial_type |
1 | 3 | 1000 | hfo_A2-A1 |
which will imply that there is an HFO detected using a bipolar referencing at channel A2-A1
at 1 second with duration of 3 seconds. The onset sample occurs at sample 1000 (thus sfreq
is 1000 Hz). If a
monopolar referencing is used, then the trial_type
might be hfo_A2
to imply that an HFO was detected at
channel A2
Alternatively, one can output the data in the form of a derivatives Annotations
DataFrame, which is the RECOMMENDED way. Outputting data according to BIDS Extension Proposal 21, instead would result in
an *annotations.tsv
onset | duration | label | channels |
1 | 3 | hfo | A2-A1 |
with a corresponding *annotations.json
'IntendedFor': sub-01/ses-01/eeg/sub-01_ses-01_task-01_eeg.<ext>,
'Description': 'Automatic annotations of HFO events using mne-hfo.',
In all MNE-HFO
HFO detectors, we assume that there are hyper-parameters
specified by the proposed algorithm. These hyper-parameters can be tuned automatically
using the scikit-learn
API for GridSearchCV.
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from mne_hfo.score import accuracy
from mne_hfo.sklearn import make_Xy_sklearn, DisabledCV
# define hyperparameter grid to search over
parameters = {'threshold': [1, 2, 3], 'win_size': [50, 100, 250]}
# define HFO detector
detector = LineLengthDetector()
# define a scoring function
scorer = make_scorer(accuracy)
# we don't use cross-validation since the
# HFO algorithm is deterministic
cv = DisabledCV()
# instantiate the GridSearch object
gs = GridSearchCV(detector, param_grid=parameters, scoring=scorer,
cv=cv, refit=False, verbose=True)
# load in raw data
# raw = <load_in_raw_data>
# load in HFO annotations
# annot_df = <load_in_annotations>
# make sklearn compatible
raw_df, y = make_Xy_sklearn(raw, annot_df)
# run hyperparameter tuning based on accuracy score, y, groups=None)
# show the results
In the above example, to load in raw data, one can use mne-bids
and to load in the annotations dataframe, one can check out our API
for different ways of doing so.
For testing and demo purposes, we use the dataset in [1]. If you use the demo/testing dataset, please cite that paper.
If you use mne-hfo
itself in your research, please cite the paper (TBD).
Adam Li. (2021, February 1). MNE-HFO: An open-source Python implementation of HFO detection algorithms (Version 0.0.1). Zenodo.
[1] Fedele T, Burnos S, Boran E, Krayenbühl N, Hilfiker P, Grunwald T, Sarnthein J. Resection of high frequency oscillations predicts seizure outcome in the individual patient. Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1):13836. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13064-1