- Bojana Marojevikj 201515
- Iva Dodikj 201506
- Beyza Ismail 201511
- Filip Todosov 201522
- Kristina Koneva 201513
Production environment: http://amazestay.eastus.azurecontainer.io/
Testing environment: http://amaze-stay-test-01.gpg5cfbrccgje5ah.eastus.azurecontainer.io/
The purpose of this document is to give a brief introduction about the web application AmazeStay which will be used for listing hotels available for accommodation located in Macedonia.
Looking for accommodation might be problematic sometimes, therefore, with this web application, we are introducing a simpler and an easier way to search for available hotels in Macedonia. Local and international tourists will have a major benefit from this web application because, on demand, AmazeStay will provide them with a detailed list of all places which are available for booking.
In order to show all of the available places in the area, AmazeStay will use navigation and geolocation. OpenStreetMap will be used to fill the database with the necessary data. The supported web browsers for this web app will be Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari and the system will be responsive for mobile browsers.
Filtering and sorting functionalities will be implemented for better user experience and once the user makes their choice (they choose the hotel where they would like to stay), they will be redirected to the appropriate page on Booking.com to finalize their reservation.
Our aim is to make the booking accommodation process quicker, more convenient and extremely user-friendly by implementing a web application which is maintainable, scalable and reliable.