- Download the repo from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/kristhina/tensorflow-for-poets-2.git
- Change directory to "tensorflow-for-poets-2"
cd tensorflow-for-poets-2
- Install Python packages from the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To classify an image
run the following command:
python -m scripts.label_image \
--graph=tf_files/retrained_graph.pb \
This is the example of Neglyubka picture. You can change the name of file to test other patterns:
(Wycinanki Łowickie)01_03_2_053.jpg
(Wzory Kaszubskie)03_05_2_020.jpg
I also prepared some more pictures from Internet (you can find them in the folder "to_check")
- Forked and Cloned the repo TensorFlow For Poets from GitHub
- Created new VirtualEnv and installed Tensorflow
- Set environment variables:
export IMAGE_SIZE=224
export ARCHITECTURE="mobilenet_0.50_${IMAGE_SIZE}"
- Downloaded the pictures from kaggle.com
- Unpacked the pictures
- Changed the format from png to jpg:
mogrify -format jpg *.png
- Prepared folders for each type of pictures (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodets, Wycinanki_lowickie, Wzory_kaszubskie, Iznik, Neglyubka)
- From each file I chose one picture to test the model (folder "to_check") - I decided to choose only one picture from each folder because there are not many of them to teach the network. When I wanted to check another picture - I could download it from the Internet
- Prepared three different models to teach the network:
- "pattern + product" (I used both pattern and product pictures to teach the network and checked if it could recognize correctly the product pictures)
- "pattern" (I used only pattern pictures to teach the network and checked if it could find patterns on the product pictures)
- "product" (I used only product pictures to teach the network)
- Trained the network (with 500 training steps) and achieved the following results:
- pattern + product 79,5% final test accuracy
- pattern 90% final test accuracy
- product 72,2% final test accuracy
- Checked the pictures in my folder "to_check" - results for "pattern" model were the worstgit status. There were not great differences between "pattern+product" and "product" results. The product results were slightly better, but I had only one picture from each decor to check
- Downloaded some picture from the Internet to check my network
- Decided to choose the model with "pattern+product":
- there are more pictures to train the network
- there were no great differences between the models when I was checking the resulst on my selected pictures
- final test accuracy was better
- Retrained the network without the step limit (default 4000 iterations) - final test accuracy was also 79,5%.
- Checked the charts from TensorBoard