Discord bot that responds to "bababooey".
Click here to add bababooey bot to your discord server!
Build Your Own Bababooey (bot)
Step 0: Set up a discord account and server
Step 1: Create a bot account, and add it to your server with "Send Messages", "Send TTS Messages", "Attach Files", "Add Reactions" permissions. See https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/discord.html
Step 2: Clone this repo.
Step 3: Install python libs:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 4: Set these environment variables in .env
- your discord bot token - see the discord developer documentation!USER_ID_TO_DM_ON_ERROR
- (optional) discord user id to DM on error
Step 5: Run:
python bot.py
Step 6. bababooey