Bike Sharing Demand -- Kaggle competition
To run: python
Best results:
- 0.38375 (without "no time travel" condition)
- 0.42582 (with "no time travel" condition)
By "no time travel" (NTT) condition I mean one of the requirements of the competition: "Your model should only use information which was available prior to the time for which it is forecasting."
NOTE: for the last month (12/2012), the results should be the same with/without NTT condition (the same training set).
Battlefield log:
- 'count' together: 0.47254
- 'casual', 'registered' separately: 0.46480
- predicting log(y+1): 0.43039
- add year: 0.38622
- including day of the month and month: 0.44072 (looks like overfitting)
- including temperature: 0.38375
NOTE: to run the code you need to download data from Kaggle: train.csv and test.csv.
Files and folders:
- -- main code
- ./plots
- submission_best.csv -- data for the best submission without NTT condition
- submission_condtion_best.csv -- data for the best submission with NTT condition
- typical_output.out
Possible improvements:
- more sophisticated validation method
- tune more parameters in RF algorithm
- look for outliers in the data
- more plots: regression, predictions vs data, scatter (3D) plots of features, feature importance plot
- try different ML algorithm?