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Multiscale Run Docker Recipe

This repository provides the Docker recipe for the multiscale run project, i.e. the project that couples Neurodamus, STEPS, AstroVascPy & metabolism.


You must have:

Getting Started (MacOS & Linux)

The set of commands below will start a JupyterLab container providing python modules for all the coupled solvers.

The image is already built and pushed in dockerhub (named kotsaloscv/multiscale_run:v0.0.0). If you want to use it as is, with no changes in the recipe, just skip the docker compose build step in the instructions below.

$ git clone
$ cd multiscale_run_dimage
$ echo -e "DUID=$(($(id -u)+1))\nDGID=$(id -g)\nHOST=$(hostname)" > .env
$ # Skip the build step, since it is already available
$ #docker compose build
$ docker compose up
... output ...
multiscale_run_dimage-lab-1  | [C 2023-07-05 13:59:36.052 ServerApp] 
multiscale_run_dimage-lab-1  |     
multiscale_run_dimage-lab-1  |     To access the server, open this file in a browser:
multiscale_run_dimage-lab-1  |         file:///home/dummy/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/jpserver-29-open.html
multiscale_run_dimage-lab-1  |     Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
multiscale_run_dimage-lab-1  |
multiscale_run_dimage-lab-1  |

Then open your web browser at the provided HTTP address. In this case

In the echo -e "DUID=$(($(id -u)+1))\nDGID=$(id -g)\nHOST=$(hostname)" > .env command, there is a +1 on the DUID. If you get permission errors for files generated from within the container, then call again the above command with +0, and re-run the Jupyter Lab.

Fetch Multiscale Run Project

If you have an active Jupyter Lab, then you need to open a new terminal and perform the steps below.

These steps download a reduced/experimental version of multiscale run project:

  • If on MacOS/Linux (pip required), ./, and skip the two steps below.
  • Download multiscale run (click on the hyperlink).
  • Uncompress the downloaded project under the notebooks folder.

After these steps, the multiscale run project is under the notebooks folder. Therefore, it can be viewed and executed from the Jupyter Lab.

Files management

You are free to modify the notebooks directory from either the container or your machine. Files created on one side will be visible on the other one, and vice versa!

Windows support

For Windows, the build step cannot be avoided due to the issue of the ./recipe/entrypoint file (see below).

This Docker image can be run with Docker Desktop for Windows. Instructions in the Getting Started section above are a bit different though. Instead of executing the command echo -e "DUID=$(($(id -u)+1))\nDGID=$(id -g)\nHOST=$(hostname)" > .env, update the docker-compose.yml file as follows:

  • hostname: hardcode the machine name
  • USER_LOGIN: hardcode your user name
  • USER_ID: 42
    • If you get an error similar to useradd: UID 42 is not unique, you can change this value to an other arbitrary one, e.g. 43.
  • GROUP_ID: 42
  • volumes: replace $PWD by the path to this repository.

for instance:

diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 528e993..64dcca9 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ services:
     image: ...
     build: recipe
-    hostname: $HOST
+    hostname: my-windows10-machine
     - "8888:8888"
-    - USER_ID=$DUID
+    - USER_ID=42
+    - GROUP_ID=42
-    - $PWD/notebooks:/opt/src/notebooks
+    - C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\multiscale_run_dimage\notebooks:/opt/src/notebooks
     extends: lab

Before running docker compose build, it is imperative to open ./recipe/entrypoint with Visual Code (or your favourite text editor), and change the End of Line Sequence from CRLF to LF (see images below).

From: image

To: image

Finally, run docker compose up.

Use the container without JupyterLab (for all operating systems)

If there is no need for the JupyterLab infrastructure, the image can be directly pulled from dockerhub (no need for manual build in Windows):

docker pull kotsaloscv/multiscale_run:v0.0.0

and, it can be executed as

docker run --rm -it kotsaloscv/multiscale_run:v0.0.0 bash


The development of this software was supported by funding to the Blue Brain Project, a research center of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), from the Swiss government’s ETH Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology.

Copyright (c) 2005-2023 Blue Brain Project/EPFL


Apache-2.0 license (see LICENSE.txt)


Docker image for multiscale run project @BBP







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