Capable of converting .PNG and .PPM images to ASCII art
This program is written in C++
- Resizes Console to maximum resolution, so a bigger ASCII art is generated
- The ASCII pictures always fit in the Console window, even when you resize it
- Has a dynamic menu, which lists folders and pic files from ./images/
- Put your .PNG and .PPM images and folders in ./images/
- You can set a loop number which generates more pictures successively
- It is advised to put extracted .gif pictures (PNGs) in one folder and then loop can be used for animation!
- You can redirect the output from Console window to output file
- You can resize the ASCII picture
- It supports Extended and Basic ASCII Character Sets too
- Used external library: PDCURSES (Windows) -
- Building instructions for Windows:
- Download
- in cmd.exe (or in msys) set PDCURSES_SRCDIR = <main pdcurses root folder>
- then set environment variable (path) to C:\MinGW\bin
- then in pdcurses root folder: mingw32-make.exe -f .\win32\mingwin32.mak
- after it is finished you have to include pdcurses.a in your project's linker (and curses.h header is in main pdcurses root folder)
- Used external functions for decoding .PNG images: LodePNG -
- Used external exe for creating Character Tables: png2charset -