Laravel Wrapper for Color-Thief-PHP with additional changes. Grabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image. Uses PHP and GD or Imagick.
This Laravel package is extremely useful to grab dominant color or a representative color palette from images. See this image for the example.
You can install the package via Composer:
composer require nikkanetiya/laravel-color-palette
You must install the service provider (For Laravel < 5.5):
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
Register facade:
// config/app.php
'aliases' => [
'ColorPalette' => NikKanetiya\LaravelColorPalette\ColorPaletteFacade::class,
getColor() - Use this method to get most dominant single color form image
// get most dominant color from image $color = ColorPalette::getColor( '' ); // Color provides several getters/properties echo $color; // '#dc5550' echo $color->rgbString; // 'rgb(220,85,80)' echo $color->rgbaString; // 'rgba(220,85,80,1)' echo $color->int; // 14439760 print_r($color->rgb); // array(220, 85, 80) print_r($color->rgba); // array(220, 85, 80, 1)
$color = ColorPalette::getColor($sourceImage, $quality = 10, $area = null );
By default,
will have quality -> 10 and specific area -> null.Quality
can be int. 1 is the highest quality. There is a trade-off between quality and speed. The bigger the number, the faster the palette generation but the greater the likelihood that colors will be missed.Area
can be array|null $area[x,y,w,h]. It allows you to specify a rectangular area in the image in order to get colors only for this area. It needs to be an associative array with the following keys:- $area['x']: The x-coordinate of the top left corner of the area. Default to 0.
- $area['y']: The y-coordinate of the top left corner of the area. Default to 0.
- $area['w']: The width of the area. Default to image width minus x-coordinate.
- $area['h']: The height of the area. Default to image height minus y-coordinate.
getPalette() - Use this method to find representative color palette form image.
// get colors from image $colors = ColorPalette::getPalette( '' ); foreach($colors as $color) { // } // Colors will be array of Color Objects
$color = ColorPalette::getPalette($sourceImage, $colorCount = 10, $quality = 10, $area = null)
can be 2 to 256. It is the number of colors you want to retrieve for the image.Quality
is same as above.
Image Source:
, google image