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What is this?

This repo contains a proof-of-concept tool that implements lockfile generation as expected by cachi2. The whole point is to make it possible to run a build process without network connection. This tool will first resolve an RPM transaction. cachi2 can download all of those packages and provide a local repository, which can be consumed in the build process.

There are no stability guarantees.

The output should generally be compatible with what is being implemented in cachi2, but there are some differences, like adding additional sourcerpm key for binary packages to make it easier to map the package to corresponding source.


First install system dependencies that are difficult to obtain via pip.

$ sudo dnf install python3 python3-pip python3-dnf

Note that for the following commands you need to use default system version of Python. Any other version will fail to find the DNF bindings.

Install with pip directly from Git:

$ python3 -m pip install --user

Or latest released version:

$ python3 -m pip install --user

You can also use COPR repo created by Packit, which tracks the latest main branch:

How to run this from git

The tool requires on dnf libraries, which are painful to get into virtual environment. Enabling system packages makes it easier.

Additionally, the tool requires skopeo and rpm to be available on the system.

$ python -m venv venv --system-site-packages
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ python -m pip install -e .
(venv) $ rpm-lockfile-prototype --help
usage: rpm-lockfile-prototype [-h]
                              [-f CONTAINERFILE | --image IMAGE | --local-system | --bare | --rpm-ostree-treefile RPM_OSTREE_TREEFILE]
                              [--flatpak] [--debug] [--arch ARCH] [--outfile OUTFILE]
                              [--print-schema] [--allowerasing]

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Load installed packages from base image specified in
                        Containerfile and make them available during dependency
  --image IMAGE         Use rpmdb from the given image.
  --local-system        Resolve dependencies for current system.
  --bare                Resolve dependencies as if nothing is installed in the target
  --rpm-ostree-treefile RPM_OSTREE_TREEFILE
  --flatpak             Determine the set of packages from the flatpak: section of
  --arch ARCH           Run the resolution for this architecture. Can be specified
                        multiple times.
  --outfile OUTFILE
  --print-schema        Print schema for the input file to stdout.
  --allowerasing        Allow erasing of installed packages to resolve dependencies.
(venv) $

Running in a container

In case dnf is not available, such as on Mac and Windows, rpm-lockfile-prototype can be run from a local container image using the Containerfile at the base of this repo:

  1. Build the image (this only needs to be done once or if updates are needed):

    $ podman build -f Containerfile -t localhost/rpm-lockfile-prototype

    or, to skip cloning the repo and install the latest commit from main:

    $ curl \
       | podman build -t localhost/rpm-lockfile-prototype -

    Alternatively, to use a different base image that has dnf or specify a tag other than main to install:

    $ curl \
       | podman build -t localhost/rpm-lockfile-prototype \
         --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=other-base-image:latest \
         --build-arg GIT_REF=tags/v0.13.1 -
  2. Run the image from the directory containing the to generate the rpms.lock.yaml file:

    $ podman run --rm -v ${PWD}:${container_dir} localhost/rpm-lockfile-prototype:latest [args...] --outfile=${container_dir}/rpms.lock.yaml ${container_dir}/


  • caching base images will not work, as there will be no persistent cache directory
  • any server with certificate untrusted on Fedora 41 by default will not work

What's the INPUT_FILE

The input file tells this tool where to look for RPMs and what packages to install. If not specified, from current working directory will be used. It's a yaml file with following structure.

  # Define at least one source of packages, but you can have as many as you want.
    # List of objects with repoid and baseurl
    - repoid: fedora
      # The baseurl can reference labels from a base image, such as the
      # compose-id above. The image to get the labels from can be specified
      # either directly or via a Containerfile.
      varsFromContainerfile: Containerfile
      # You can list any option that would be in .repo file here too.
      # For example sslverify, proxy or excludepkgs might be of interest
    # Either local path, url pointing to .repo file or an object
    - ./c9s.repo
    - location:{vcs-ref}
      # The labels from image specified either directly or via Containerfile
      # can be interpolated into the repofile URL.
      varsFromContainerfile: Containerfile
    - giturl: https://$USER:[email protected]/my-repo.git
      gitref: '{vcs-ref}'
      file: custom.repo
      # The labels from image specified either directly or via Containerfile
      # can be interpolated into the repofile URL.
      varsFromContainerfile: Containerfile
    # If your environment uses Compose Tracking Service (
    # and you define environment variable CTS_URL, you can look up repos from
    # composes either by compose ID or by finding latest compose matching some
    # filters. Fedora doesn't use CTS, so the examples are just for illustration
    # and do not work.
    - id: Fedora-Rawhide-20240411.n.0
    - latest:
        release_short: Fedora
        release_version: Rawhide
        release_type: ga
        tag: nightly

  # list of rpm names to resolve
  - vim-enhanced
  # Either a simple string as above, or an object with specification of
  # architectures. Either specify allow list (`only`) or deny list (`not`). The
  # value is either a single string or a list of strings.
  - name: librtas
      only: ppc64le
  - name: grub2
      - s390x

reinstallPackages: []
  # List of rpms already provided in the base image, but which should be
  # reinstalled. Same specification as `packages` above.

moduleEnable: []
  # List of module streams that should be enabled during the dependency
  # resolution. The specification uses the same format as `packages` above.

  # The list of architectures can be set in the config file. Any `--arch` option set
  # on the command line will override this list.
  - aarch64
  - x86_64

    # Alternative to setting command line options. Usually you will only want
    # to include one of these options, with the exception of `flatpak` that
    # can be combined with `image`, `containerfile`, or `bare`
    containerfile: Containerfile.fedora
    flatpak: true
    bare: true
    localSystem: true
    rpmOstreeTreefile: centos-bootc/centos-bootc.yaml

# Tell DNF it may erase already installed packages when resolving the
# transaction. Defaults to false.
allowerasing: true

The configuration file can specify a containerfile to extract a base image from either in the context section or in varsFromContainerfile inside contentOrigin. This containerfile can be either a simple string (file path relative to the config file), or a more complex object. In the complex case you can specify which stage you want to extract the image from, either by its order, name or by pattern matching the image.

  # Only the `file` key is required.
  file: path/relative/to/
  # Get image from stage given by the order. Numbering starts from 1.
  stageNum: 1
  # Get image from a stage with the given name.
  stageName: builder
  # Get base image that contains a match for the given regular expression.

If multiple filters for selecting stage are set, the first one to match is used.

What does this do

High-level overview: given a list of packages, repo urls and installed packages, resolve all dependencies for the packages.

There are three options for how the installed packages can be handled.

  1. Resolve in the current system (--local-system). This is probably not useful for anything.

  2. Resolve in empty root (--bare, --rpm-ostree-treefile). This is useful when the final image is starting from scratch, like a base image or ostree.

    When using rpm-ostree treefile, the list of packages in input file is not needed. The tool will try to get list of required packages from the treefile. The support for some stanzas in the treefile is currently missing, so some packages may not be discovered.

  3. Extract installed packages from a container image. This would be used for layered images. The base image can be explicitly provided, or discovered from Containerfile.

Dealing with modularity and groups

Creating lockfiles involving modules should work. Here's a guide on how to specify the input:

Dockerfile command Input file Comment
dnf module install foo:bar packages: ["@foo:bar"] Installs all packages from default profile from the module stream
dnf module enable foo:bar moduleEnable: ["foo:bar"] Makes the module stream available for installation
dnf module disable nodejs moduleDisable: ["nodejs"] Added for completeness, but may not really be needed
dnf groupinstall core packages: ["@core] Install comps group core

Implementation details and notes

Getting package information from the container is tricky, and went through a few iterations:

Iteration 1

Let’s run the solver directly in the base image. This has a few cons though:

  • Solving for non-native architectures requires emulation.
  • It only works if the solver is using DNF 4 and the container provides dnf. Once the solver uses DNF 5, or for any base image using microdnf (or yum, or zypper…), it doesn’t work.
    • That can not be solved by installing the solver library into the image, as it would affect the results and where would it be installed from anyway? Using a statically linked depsolver would avoid installing dependencies, but then you need a different binary for each architecture.

Iteration 2

Let’s run the solver on the host system, but filter out base image packages after solving. Listing installed packages in the container is fairly easy, and we can rely on rpm executable being present if the user wants to install packages.

This approach doesn’t really work though.

  • If the configured repos do not contain the full set of transitive dependencies, the solver will fail (or at least not see the full list of transitive dependencies, which can hide issues).
  • If the configured repos contain newer versions of the packages already present on the image, the solver will include them in the result, and it becomes impossible to tell if the older version is sufficient or not.
    • If we keep the updated version in the result but the older version is fine, then we are prefetching something that will not be used.
    • If we remove the package but it is actually needed, the build process will fail.

Iteration 3

We need to have information about the base image contents at the time the transaction is being resolved. Let’s not even consider listing package details with some incantation of rpm -qa --queryformat.

We can copy the rpmdb from the base image into some temporary directory and use that as installroot during solving. A cleaner way might be to do rpmdb --exportdb from the container and rpmdb --importdb –root into the temporary location.

So the last thing is what the tool actually implements. It will pull the image, run it and copy the rpmdb out to a temporary location on the host system. This location is used as installroot for calling DNF.

It seems to work with any architecture, though it can result in pulling quite a few images locally.

The main issue with this approach is that it's complicated to execute in containers. To be able to run podman run inside a container, the parent container has to be running with --privileged option. This may be a problem for running in CI.

An alternative would be to pull the image, mount it, and copy the rpmdb out using host tools. This way there could even be a cache for different images, avoiding some pulls. I didn't experiment with this too much. The main hurdle was turning the base image specification from Containerfile into an image id to pull. I got stuck on resolving short names, but maybe it's not necessary?

Iteration 4

This is a minor improvement over iteration 3. The podman usage can be replaced by using skopeo, which can obtain the data witout requiring any additional permissions when running inside containers.


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