R package for plotting caharcetristics of streamflow stations on a map of Norway
Download the *.R files into your own directory and 'source' them:
You will need the RNetCDF package:
The data used here is available upon request Shape file with catchment boundaries for NVE gauging stations might be downloaded from http://nedlasting.nve.no/gis/, and you should select the GIS dataset HYDROLOGISKE DATA->Totalnedbørfelt til målestasjon
Shape file with location of gauging stations might be downloaded from http://nedlasting.nve.no/gis/, and you should select the GIS dataset HYDROLOGISKE DATA->Målseserier
The shape-files with catchments boundaries are loaded into teh base environment, this includes:
- Norge : A shape file with outline of Norway. Loaded as a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
- Mycatchments A shape file with ploygons for all gauged catchments in Norway. Loaded as a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
- MyStations A shape file with points for all hydrological measurement locations in Norway. Loaded as a SpatialPointsDataFrame
- forecasting_c A shape file with ploygons for the flood forecasting catchments. Loaded as a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
- forecasting_s A shape file with points for the flood forecasting catchments. Loaded as a SpatialPointsDataFrame
- spar A table with the catchment characteristics
Arguments: GiSfolder is the folder where the shape-files are stored ccfile is a text-file with catchment characteristics. If ccfile is NA, the array mnumbers has to be specified. mnumbers is an array with station numbers specified as regine_nr*10000+main_nr. If mnumbers is NA, the file with catchment characteristics has to be specified.
- cvalues is a matrix where each row represent a station and the row name is the station ID given as regine number dot main number (e.g."2.11").
- mappoints is a a SpatialPointsDataFrame with the station points
- mapBorders is a a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with the outline of Norway.
- pname is the name of the palette as defined by 'RColorBrewer' package.
- pinv is TRUE if the colors should be inverted.
- v_index is the index of the colomn to be plotted.
- c_index is a possible colomn with the minimum significant value
- p_index is a possible coloumn with p-values
- cbins is used for binning the data in v_index. Each bin gets its own color
- legtitle is the title of the legend
Some examples are given below:
# A plot where v_index and c_index is specified. The insignificant points is colored grey.
# A plot where only v_index is specified. Assumes a small number of unique values, each value gets its own color.
# A plot where v_index and cbins is specified. In this case values lower than the lowest bin are colored grey
# a plot where v_index and p-values are specified. Insignificant points are grey