- Add comments to all methods/classes
- Create some sort of deployment scripts for docker etc (Koen will be looking at this)
- Complete spec for how the commands will interact within the discord client
- Add admin permissions so that they can set defaults and modify the core functionality of the bot (Could make this based on roles... but would I need to define these in the config?)
- Look into way of stopping spam in channel when searching for a specific query
- Improve the way that commands are currently defined
- Consider how I can stop the spam of this bot.. how quick can users use this?
- Allow users to define there own messages via a JSON file (messages.json)
- Possibly base all of the settings on roles/permission levels from discord
- Look into caching user permissions etc... might make API calls better!
To change the default language of Disapedia simply go into the generated settings.json and change the "defaultLanguage" under the "wiki" key. You must use a VALID code from something similar to this: http://astroneer.gamepedia.com/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=languages TODO: Make this a link that is not "astroneer"