tA data marketplace for users to transact any type of data
Data Storage: IPFS Frontend: React Backend: NestJS(NodeJS) Blockchain: Ethereum (Goerli Testnet)
Technologies: Elliptic Curve Cryptography to encrypt the data before the sale?
- User1 uploads data to IPFS
- User2 sees description of data that user1 uploaded
- User2 buys data from user1
- Zero knowledge proof that the data is not tampered with
- Zero knowledge proof that there is significant amounts of data
- User1 tells what type of data it is (csv, json, etc)
- User1 tells a description of the data
- User1 sets a price for the data
- User1 uploads data to IPFS
- Data has to be encrypted so it can't be read until bought and downloaded
- Mint the data as an NFT?