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Project NLOptWr

The name of program NLOptWr is an easy to use C++ wrapper of NLOpt with a simple parallelization.

The program (library) is still under development.


The program NLOptWr is an extension to the Program NLOpt.

Initially it was started a an experiment to use the Program NLOpt more easily.

The program has the following functionalities:

  1. C++ API
  2. rule based selection of algorithms
  3. numerical calculation of gradients in parallel with OpenMP if needed

Because of numerical calculation of gradients a lot of algorithms is available.

In case of many parameters the calculation the calculation of gradients can be done in parallel.

The program does not require a implementation of object serialization with the boost library.


The class oif::OptFknBase is an interface class can be derived.

For less implementation the derived class oif::OptFknClass can be derived.

The remaining following functions have to be implemented:

  1. virtual void optFktn ( const std::vector& x, std::vector& fc ) override; // target function
  2. virtual void initialize ( double lb, double ub, double xInit ); // initialize function
  3. virtual oif::OptFknBase* clone() const override; // clone method

The API has changed. The function is "void" now.

  • "x" contains the function arguments.
  • "fc" are the result with function values; fc[0] it the funktion value, followed by the (equality constraints (fc[i>0] == 0) und the no-equality constraints (fc[i>0] <= 0).
  • "lb" is the lower bound
  • "ub" is the upper bound
  • "xInit" is the initial value

The class PDemo01 in the file "NLOptWr_test1.cpp" in a example.

Rule based selection of algorittms

An instance of parameter class NLOptWr::NLOptWrSStrat can be used to select the search methods. The constructor of this class has three arguments:

  1. NLOptWr::SSTRAT // enum of search strategies
  2. useGrad // usage of gradient methods (default=true)
  3. useAugLagBeforeMlsl // prefer Augmented Lagrangian before MLSL (default=true)

The emun class NLOptWr::SSTRAT can have following valid values:

  • L = Local search strategy is preferred
  • G = Global search strategy is chosen
  • R = Random search strategy is chosen (NLOPT has no acceleration with gradient at all)
  • GM = Global meta search strategy is chosen
  • LM = Local meta search strategy is chosen

The selected methods also depends on the number of parameters (see NLOptWr::NLOptWrSearchAlgoParamD and NLOptWr::NLOptWrParamFactory).

Calculation of gradients

The numerical calculation can be activated with the flag useGrad of NLOptWr::NLOptWrSStrat. The numerical calculation is done automatically in parallel with OpenMP. Necessary is a correct working clone method.

The method of numerical derivation is the 2-point formula.

Getting Started


The package needs the following packages:

  • C-compiler (gcc and g++) und libc
  • OpenMP (libomp-dev, libgomp1)
  • NLOPT installation with C++ extensions (libnlopt-dev, libnlopt0)

The the Debian ".deb" 64-bit binary package (Bullseye) has the following dependencies: libc6, libgcc-s1, libgomp1, libnlopt-cxx0, libstdc++6

Other OS can try to build it from source.

The directory "cmake" contains some files (FindNLOPT.cmake, FindNLOPTCXX.cmake FindNLOptWr.cmake, FindOpenMP.cmake).

Installation from source

To build the library and the demo programs a C++ compiler (gcc or clang) and CMake are needed. On LINUX thise packages can be install with the package managers of the system.

It is necessary to install the NLOpt library. This library can be installed with vcpkg. In this case the environment variable CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE (or VCPKG_ROOT) should be set properly.

On LINUX the NLOpt package can be install with the package managers of the system as well.

The file .github/workflows/build.yml shows how NLoptWr can be build and tested.


The sources can be downloaded and build with the following commands:

git clone
cd NLOptWr
mkdir build
cd    build

rm -rf ../build/* && cmake -Wno-dev -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release  .. &&  cmake --build . --config Release && ctest -C Release

After a successful compilation the tests can be launched:


This script generates a file nloptwr_test6.pdf and shows it in a viewer.

Packages can be build as well:


Windows with Cygwin

The installation is similar to the LINUX installation (see above).

Windows VisualC

The CMake program has to be installed as well. It is necessary to install the NLOpt library. This library can be installed with vcpkg.

vcpkg.exe install nlopt
rm -r ..\build\* ; cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. ; cmake --build . -j 4 ; ctest -C Debug

Executing program

Execution the precompiled demo programs

The precompiled demo programs can be launched manually in the test (NLOptWrtest) directory:


The test can be started with "ctest" after the build with "cmake".

Create your own optimization program with NLOptWr

Create your own class with your tatget function

The class oif::OptFknClass can be derived.

The class "opttest::PDemo01" in the file "NLOptWr_test1.cpp" is an expample of such implementation.

In the same file the usage of the is explained:

  1. deturmine some parameters (number of threads, time limit, limit of calculations, initial result)

  2. create instance of search strategy (NLOptWr::NLOptWrSStrat)

  3. create an instance of class with target function (opttest::PDemo01)

  4. create an instance of NLOptWr::NLOptWrapper

  5. start optimization

  6. get the solution

  7. other tasks (display the result, check the result, print the selected algorithms)

The progams can be linked with -lnloptwr -lnlopt -lm.


There are many alternatives. Two of them are the following:

  • PaGMO is a C++ scientific library for massively parallel optimization. NLOpt can be used with PaGMO.

  • For large scale problems GENEVA seems to be a good choice. The availability of recent versions is shown at the dashboard.


Any advise for common problems or issues.


Contributors and contact info: Knut Opherden



NLOpt Algorithms

NLOpt C++ Reference

Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Release


See the LICENSE file for details.


Simple C++ wrapper for NLOPT program








No packages published
