This is a simple web application for maintaining a list of nodes (and subnets) within a mesh network such as Freifunk.
Instead of trying to mess with automated data aggregation and doing funky statistics stuff this database is focused on rather “offline” data to be maintained by the node owners. A major design principle applied is KISS. Currently there is no aggregation of live data (except for the live map layer and the topology graph which both are being generated by external scripts by now).
For a live installation visit
It’s development has just started and therefore most of the features are yet listed as planned.
IP Address validation to ensure unique, separate addresses
Auto-generation/proposal of IP addresses for Subnets and Nodes
Geo location lookup for node based on given postal address
Map displaying nodes
Base Layer from
Main Layer displays data from the node database
Additional layers to display data from external datasources (e.g. OLSR nameservice plugin)
User self-signup with E-Mail activation and password reminder
Simple role based authorization
Basic admin backend
RESTful Webservice interface
“Click here to join Freifunk”-Wizard for users with very limited technical knowledge
Suggest existing nearby subnet based on geo location
Messaging system (allow sending emails to people without exposing their email to the public)
Search function
Tags (acts_as_taggable?)
Gradual engagement (nobody likes signup forms)
Enrich user profiles, e.g. avatar, jabber, etc.
Require HTTPS for sensitive actions
Mass mailer for admin (ar_mailer)
Rewrite cgi-bin-map.kml in ruby: add caching and filters
Rewrite in ruby: add caching and filters
Clone main application
$ git clone git://
Clone plugins
$ git submodule init $ git submodule update
Create configuration files to suit your needs
$ cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml $ vi config/database.yml $ cp config/config.yml.sample config/config.yml $ vi config/config.yml
Generate site key (encrypts user passwords)
$ rake auth:gen:site_key
Create database, load chema and initialize with the seed data
$ rake db:setup
Write tests (RSpec?)
Write documentation (github wiki)
Graceful handling of invalid requests (respond with http 404 where appropriate)
Polish geo location lookup (separate controller)
Polish map layer
Geokit-Rails by Bill Eisenhauer & Andre Lewis is released under the MIT License
MapLayers by Pirmin Kalberer is released under the MIT License
restful_authentication by Rick Olson is released under the MIT License
role_requirement by Timothy Curtis Harper and Jonathan Barket is released under the MIT License
StripAttributes by Ryan McGeary is released under the MIT License
will_paginate by Mislav Marohnic and PJ Hyett is released under the MIT License
ujs_sort_helper by Stuart Rackham and Wynn Netherland is released under the MIT license
This application is inspired by FFSomething
The cgi-bin-map.kml script is written by Sven-Ola and was published on the OLSR Mailinglist
Most of the authentication and authorization stuff has been taken from the nice tutorial by Matthew Solt, released under the MIT License
Freifunk Node Database is released under the MIT license.
Copyright © 2009, 2010 Mikolas Bingemer