These are the default environment variables used by the agent. Check out .env.sample
file for an example. If you want to run the agent locally, you can create a .env
file and set the variables there.
Set this to your base app url. Your default web:did will be based on this when it gets created on first run.
Used for authorization
Used for encrypting the database. Can be created by cli i.e veramo config gen-key
The database connection string for Postgres. If you are using a different database, you will need to change the @veramo/data-store
package to the correct one.
The RPC url for the Ethereum network you want to use.
- Install dependencies
pnpm i
- Setup .env file
- Run postgre database with database name
- Start the agent from ts-node
pnpm dev
- Setup DATABASE_URL in docker-compose.yml (if you are using host's local postgre database it should point to
) - Build the image. It should build for linux/amd64 and for your local architecture(e.g. M1 or M2 Mac)
docker-compose build
- Start the agent
docker-compose up
- Stop the agent
docker-compose down
docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t veramo-agent .
Setup PostgreSQL with the settings below:
- Port: 5432
- Public access: Yes (to check the )
- VPC: Should be same as ECS
- VPC security group: Should be same as ECS
- Make sure to note the password for postgre user
- In order to access RDS from ECS, we need to setup SSL
- Download certificate bundle from (e.g. us-west-2-bundle.pem)
- Copy the first CA certificate from the bundle to a new file (e.g. rds-ca-2019.pem). It should look like this:
- Put the file under
- Create ECR repository on AWS
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name veramo-ecr --region us-west-2
- sign in to aws ECR
aws ecr get-login-password --region {region} --profile={profile} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin {accountId}.dkr.ecr.{region}
- Push image to ECR
docker tag veramo-agent:latest {accountId}.dkr.ecr.{region}
docker push {accountId}.dkr.ecr.{region}
In order to access the agent from the internet with the static address, we need to setup Application Load Balancer
- Forward request to 80 to Target group
- Target group must set the routing to port 3332 and target type to IP
- Create ECS cluster
- Go to and
Create Cluster
- Use Fargate to let AWS manage the infrastructure
- Go to and
- Create ECS task definition
- Go to and
Create new Task Definition
- Set port and environment variables
- Go to and
- Create ECS service
- Go to and
- Go to and
You can access using the client at