Serport is a Go package providing access to serial ports on Linux and Windows. Its sub-package serenum helps finding serial ports on a system.
In the following example a serial port is selected by serport.Choose
if there is more than one serial port present on a system,
will display a list of ports it has found and ask the user
to select one. If there is only one serial port present on a system,
will try to use this port directly.
On success, the selected port is opened using 115200 baud, and obeying CTS.
package main
import (
func main() {
deviceName, err := serport.Choose("")
if err != nil {
conf := serport.MergeCtlCmds(serport.StdConf, "r1 m1")
port, err := serport.Open(deviceName, conf)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("# connected to", deviceName)
// do something with `port'
buf := make([]byte, 4096)
n, err := port.Read(buf)
fmt.Println(n, err)
For a more complex example, see cmd/sercom
For the syntax of control strings (for configuring baudrate, line control, ...) see uart(3).