- fix broken Ubuntu Xenial support
- allow absent for ensure attribute
- Link to badges
- Correct handle of ensure attribute for nodejs
- partial reformat of code for better readability
- Change npm_package_name default value from "undef" to "false" for better comparison
- Update apt-get database before package installation
- Add node6 support for RHEL6 and RHEL7
- enhance BSD support
- Drop Ruby1.8.7 support
- Improved documentation
- remove dependency on
- Fix
- Minimum Puppet version is now set at >= 3.7.0
- Maximum Puppet version is set to < 5.0.0
- Expanded
, made more robust
- Integrated now with modulesync
- Fixed loads of Rubocop complaints
- Enhanced support for Amazon Linux
- Ability to set HOME environment variable when installing npm
- Misc lint/spec fixes
- Metadata dependency on
nodejs::repo::nodesource::apt is now compatible with puppetlabs-apt 2.x only
Debian-based platforms now require puppetlabs-apt 2.x rather than puppetlabs-apt 1.x
Module donated by Puppetlabs to Puppet Community. This release fixes support for ArchLinux, since npm recently moved to its own package.
- Puppet versions below 3.4.0 are no longer supported
- Debian Squeeze and Fedora version 18 and below are explicitly no longer supported
- Parameter naming changes to node_pkg, npm_pkg, dev_pkg, manage_repo, dev_pkg to approximate equivalents: nodejs_package_name, npm_package_name, nodejs_dev_package_name, manage_package_repo, nodejs_dev_package_ensure
- RedHat-family operating systems now use the NodeSource repository by default rather than the Fedora People repositories
- Debian Wheezy now uses the NodeSource repository by default rather than the Debian Sid repository
- The proxy parameter has been removed. Equivalent functionality can be obtained by using the nodejs::npm::global_config_entry defined type
- The version parameter has been removed. The approximate equivalent is nodejs_package_ensure (or nodejs_dev_package_ensure)
- The nodejs::npm defined type title is now an arbitary unique string rather than 'destination_dir:package'. The same functionality is now done with the target and package parameters.
- The nodejs::npm version parameter has been removed. The same functionality can now be performed with the ensure parameter
- Parameter naming changes to install_opt, remove_opt in nodejs::npm to approximate equivalents install_options and uninstall_options. Both must now be an array of strings and not strings.
This release performs major API changes and defaults to using the NodeSource repository where possible.
- Defaults to using the NodeSource repositories where possible, but allows native packages to be installed when appropriate parameters are set
- Introduces a parameter repo_class, which allows one to use alternative repositories like EPEL for the Node.js packages
- Adds Windows installation support via Chocolatey
- Adds FreeBSD and OpenBSD installation support
- Adds tag and scope support to the defined type nodejs::npm
- Adds a defined type nodejs::npm::global_config_entry, which allows one to set and delete global npm config options
- Supercedes PRs 99 (MODULES-1075), 97, 96, 94, 93, 85, 82, 80, 79, 51, 69, 66 and 102
- apt: update. pin to version. change key to 40 characters.
- Debian: Handle NodeSource. Improve Repository handling.
- windows: dont use deprecated chocolately module.
- testing: Pin RSpec version.
This fixes the incorrect application of voxpupuli#70 so that the code will actually run.
This release adds some new features and improvements, including archlinux support and improved ubuntu support.
- Add max_nesting parameter to npm list json parse
- Replace Chris's PPA with the Nodesource repo
- Parameterize package names
- Add archlinux support
- TravisCI updates
- Fix proxy config requiers for Ubunutu
- Fix rspec tests
- Fix typo in README.md
This release merely updates metadata.json so the module can be uninstalled and upgraded via the puppet module command.
This release primarily has improved support for Gentoo and testing improvements.
- Improved Gentoo support.
- Test updates
This release is just a wrap up of a number of submitted PRs, mostly around improvements to operating system support, as well as some improvements to handling npm.
- Update travis to test more recent versions of Puppet.
- Changed package name for Amazon Linux.
- Add support for Scientific Linux.
- Ubuntu uses uppercase for the operatingsystem fact.
- Ignore exit codes from "npm list --json" as they can be misleading, and instead just parse the JSON.
- Set $HOME for npm commands.
- Don't include development version accidently.
- Fix for chrislea ppa that already installs npm.
This release removes the precise special handling and adds the ability to pass in $version.
- Precise uses the same ppa as every other release.
- New parameters in nodejs:
: Set the version to install.
The focus of this release is ensuring the module still works on newer distributions.
- New parameters in nodejs:
: Enable/Disable repo management.
- Fixed npm on Ubuntuwhen using Chris Lea's PPA
- Make RHEL6 variants the default.
- Fix yumrepo file ordering.
Release 0.2.1 2012-12-28 Puppet Labs [email protected]
- Updated EL RPM repositories
Release 0.2.0 2012-05-22 Puppet Labs [email protected]
- Add RedHat family support
- Use npm package instead of exec script.
- Remove ppa repo for Ubuntu Precise.
Release 0.1.1 2012-05-04 Puppet Labs [email protected]
- Use include for apt class and add spec tests.
Release 0.1.0 2012-04-30 Puppet Labs [email protected]
- Initial module release.