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kmewhort edited this page Sep 16, 2010 · 4 revisions

Installation Instructions

  1. Install the lastest version of Drupal 6.
  2. Install the date and jquery_ui Drupal modules.
  3. Intall the calendar and trash_track modules from the trunk (note: this calendar module has a few minor changes from the original — these changes will be made into to a patch file in the future, but for now the entire modified module is provided).
  4. Optionally, install the modified anitakravitz theme from the trunk. This will provide a UI identical to that seen at (with only the logo.png file removed).

How it Works

Each time a user enters a postal code or address, the trash_track module performs the following step:

  1. Check whether the input is an address. If so, make a call to the Google Geocoder API to find the postal code.
  2. If a schedule for the postal code is already cached, simply redirect the user to it
  3. Otherwise, retrieve the HTML schedule for the specified postal code from the city website. Save it in a new trash_schedule node.
  4. For each collection type (garbage, recyling, green waste, or large objects) found in the HTML schedule:
    • Parse the dates from the text.
    • Create a new trash_collection containing the dates. Associate it with the schedule.


The trash_track module is distributed under GPL v3 ( The modified calendar module and anitakravitz theme are distributed under their original licenses (GPL v2),

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