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KMD Studica Examples

A .NET client library with examples on how to use the KMD Studica external API.

Getting started

How to configure connection to Studica External API via Logic Gateway

The connection to KMD Studica is configured through appsettings.json.

  "ApiKeyName": "Logic-Api-Key",
  "TokenProvider": {
    "AuthorizationScope": "",
    "ClientId": "",
    "ClientSecret": ""
  "StudicaExternalApiKey": "",
  "SchoolCode": "",
  "InternshipDkBaseUri": "",
  "SchoolAdministrationBaseUri": "",
  "SchoolInternshipsBaseUri": "",
  "ProgrammesBaseUri": "",
  "StatisticsBaseUri": "",
  "StudentsBaseUri": "",
  "LocalTestJwtToken": ""
  1. Contact KMD to get a set of client credentials and an API key for integrating with KMD Studica.
  2. SchoolCode is the required parameter for each request to Studica external API.
  3. The OpenAPI specifications for KMD Studica can be found in the clients directory in the source code of this example: .\src\ExternalApiExamples\Clients<name of service endpoint>
  4. Powershell scripts generate.ps1 for generating a generate a client for each of the service endpoints are located in the folders of each external API.

Currently APIs available

  • KMD Studica -
  • KMD Studica - School Administration
  • KMD Studica - School Internship
  • KMD Studica - Programmes
  • KMD Studica - Statistics
  • KMD Studica - Students

Data available through APIs

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