Make sure you have VirtualBox, Vagrant, and Ansible installed, using the links in this paragraph.
First clone the repo:
git clone
Install the necessary vagrant plugins:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
Start the development virtual machine (this may take a while on the first run):
vagrant up
If the command fails during provisioning, you can retry using:
vagrant provision
After provisioning has completed, klee-web will be available at
The klee/klee image is grabbed using docker pull when provisioning occurs.
In order to invoke KLEE (from within the virtual machine):
sudo docker run -t -v PATH_TO_SOURCE_DIR:/code klee/klee clang -I /home/klee/klee_src/include/klee/include -emit-llvm -c -g /code/FILE.c -o /code/FILE.bc
sudo docker run -t -v PATH_TO_SOURCE_DIR:/code klee/klee klee FILE.bc
In order to see any server side changes provision the machines again with:
vagrant provision
A more detailed documentation on how to interact with Vagrant is provided in doc/
Before submitting a pull request it's a good idea to run our test suite locally.
To run the Flake8 and Javascript end-to-end tests run:
vagrant ssh testing -c "/titb/"
To run the Worker service unit tests run:
vagrant ssh worker1 -c "/titb/"
Circle CI is being used to run tests for commits before they get merged into the master branch on the main fork.
It is important to understand that within the Circle CI testing VM there is only one VM overall where all processes run. This is different from the development and production environment where the application is distributed across multiple VMs. Other than that it runs with the same Ansible Playbook as in the development stage.
The provisioning of the Circle CI VM and the tests that are run can be found in the .circleci/config.yml
Make sure you have Node and npm installed and that you are inside a machine with a deployed web role (e.g. after vagrant provision).
At the root-level directory:
npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
Now that Grunt and Bower are installed, install the front-end packages with
bower install
Finally, let Grunt do the rest of the work (compiling/minifying SASS/JS etc), with
To watch for changes when modifying SASS, use
grunt watch
The doc/
file holds a detailed discussion on best practices for working with dockerized services and tips for debugging Docker containers.
Deployment is further explained in the doc/
How to configure the automated emails is explained in the doc/