This repository is an example that describes a bug in spring-cloud-gateway when working with custom filters that implement ServerHttpResponseDecorator
This project contains three main modules:
- Root: spring-cloud-gateway
- grpc-server
- grpc-client
This is an implementation of gateway to reproduce the buggy behaviour. The gateway is configured to route traffic for GRPC requests based on the header to localhost:8082 The gateway has two spring profiles:
this profile will apply a custom filter which reproduces the bugno-filter
this profile will apply the same routing without the custom filter where the bug is not present
Simple gRPC server that servers one endpoint to pong a request
Simple gRPC client with two configs:
this profile will directly do calls to the gRPC servergateway
this profile will call the gRPC server via the gateway.
The client is a command line runner, so it does a single request and terminates
Build the project
./gradlew clean build
Start the gateway and the grpc server
./gradlew :bootRunWithFilter
./gradlew :grpc-server:bootRun
Run the client with direct profile to validate grpc server running:
./gradlew :grpc-client:bootRunDirect
. You should see a log withmessage: "Pong"
Run the client with gateway profile to display the bug
./gradlew :grpc-client:bootRunGateway
. This request will fail and will log the error in the gateway boot run logs. -
Validate that this only occurs with the filter: Rerun
./gradlew :bootRunNoFilter
. This will start the application without the filter and route it to the grpc-server. Validate with./gradlew :grpc-client:bootRunGateway
The issue arises when a gRPC call is routed through gateway.
The GRPCResponseHeadersFilter
will try to unwrap the response and cast it to AbstractServerHttpResponse
This will fail due to the fact that the underlying response being an instance of ServerHttpResponseDecorator
The ideal solution is: GRPCResponseHeadersFilter being unwrapped until the actual response is found just as in NettyRoutingFilter
Or instance of checks to get the native response from the Decorator.