- Using dataset since 2000 in FAANG (FACEBOOK, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) dataset
- I think it shows the stock data of IT companies growing in the stock market well.
- https://www.kaggle.com/aayushmishra1512/faang-complete-stock-data?select=Apple.csv
- (1) Soving follw up problem(right shift) with LSTM model in stock prediction. This problem is relevent to information vanishing with LSTM
- (2) Making model that predict whether tomorrow stock' price will be increased or decreased
- Therefore, Create a predictive model for Adj Close using stock data from 2000 to 2020 of FAANG companies
- Bidirectional LSTM is consisted of 20 LSTM cell in hiddem layer and 1 output in linear layer.
- Bidirectional LSTM uses RMSE in objective and Adam in optimizer.
- reference paper : ‘양방향 LSTM 순환신경망 기반 주가 예측 모델’
- paper link : https://scienceon.kisti.re.kr/srch/selectPORSrchArticle.do?cn=JAKO201819355173173&dbt=NART
- reference paper: Stock Market Prediction on High-Frequency Data Using Generative Adversarial Nets
- link : https://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/2018/4907423/
- LSTM in the generator predicts the data of the next time point like the basic LSTM model.
- In Discriminator, the existing stock price data from time 1 to time T and the generated prediction value were received as input to distinguish the authenticity of the data. 1d convolution layer was used in discriminator
(1)Predict test data in increase pattern