To use the Metaboverse app, please click here
A current draft of the manuscript describing Metaboverse can be found here
- Python 3.6 or greater
- An internet connection for network curation
- The Metaboverse app
- This product includes color specifications and designs developed by Cynthia Brewer (
conda create -n pyinstaller
conda activate pyinstaller
conda install python=3.8
pip install pyinstaller
pip install pandas numpy scipy scikit-learn networkx requests
pyinstaller metaboverse-cli.spec
conda activate pyinstaller
conda install python=3.8
pip install pyinstaller --upgrade
pip install pandas numpy scipy scikit-learn networkx requests --upgrade
pyinstaller metaboverse-cli.spec
Custom networks are archived at Once a network is curated, input it into the Metaboverse GUI .....
metaboverse-cli-windows.exe curate --output . --organism_id M_leprae --database_source custom --force_new_curation --organism_curation_file E:\projects\Custom-Networks\curated_organisms\m_leprae\m_leprae.json