These dependencies must be present before building:
meson (>=0.40)
valac (>=0.16)
debhelper (>= 9)
Use the App script to simplify installation by running ./app install-deps
git clone && cd archetype
./app install-deps && ./app install
./app uninstall
Archetype and all projects that are generated by it include a simple script to simplify the development process. This script lives in the main project directory and can be accessed by ./app
. This script simplifies many of the common actions that are needed to develop an app. When developing we suggest you use ./app test-run
as this will run any unit tests for the application first before starting the application up.
./app [OPTION]
clean Removes build directories (can require sudo)
generate-i18n Generates .pot and .po files for i18n (multi-language support)
install Builds and installs application to the system (requires sudo)
install-deps Installs missing build dependencies
run Builds and runs the application
test Builds and runs testing for the application
test-run Builds application, runs testing and if successful application is started
uninstall Removes the application from the system (requires sudo)
To help, access the links below:
This project is licensed under the GPL3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.