MazeCreator is a library written by Kerstin Jacob, Martin Kampmann, Michelle Svendsen, Kasper Rasmussen for the programming environment Processing.
It offers implementations of the maze generation algorithms "Recursive Backtracking", "Kruskal" and "Hunt and Kill". The mazes include a default draw() method for generating an output at the processing sketch, but can easily be modified to suit the user's specific needs.
Download the library and place it within the "libraries" folder of your Processing sketchbook.
For Windows users the default location of this libraries folder is /Documents/Processing/libraries.
Copy the MazeCreator library's folder into the "libraries" folder at this location. You will need to create the "libraries" folder if this is your first contributed library.The folder structure for library controlP5 should be as follows
-- libraries
---- MazeCreator
------ examples
------ library
-------- MazeCreator.jar
------ reference
------ src
Note that you might need to restart Processing to get access to the library.